The first national VIDEO TELECONFERENCE on member/employee assistance programs for volunteer and career departments, scheduled for May 3, has been postponed until fall. The new date will be announced in an upcoming issue. APRIL 26-28—W.S. Darley is sponsoring a PUMP MAINTENANCE SCHOOL in Chippewa Fails, Wisconsin.


Over the years I have developed and refined my concepts of fire loss management. The following excerpt from my memoirs of my Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) career tells how this started: Before we got into WWII, the director of a Belgian Congo mining monopoly, had, on his own, shipped tons of high-grade uranium ore to Staten Island.

Acrylic Acid

ACRYLIC ACID is a corrosive, combustible, polymerizable, reactive, toxic, irritating, colorless liquid with a sharp, rancid odor that some describe as sweet but unpleasant. It is an organic acid, and it has different corrosive properties than the inorganic or mineral acids.


THERE ARE AN infinite number of opinions as to how to reduce our disgraceful national fire loss. Some place all their fire protection eggs in the “fire prevention” basket— “We are very careful here; we have no trouble.” Some concentrate their attention on the “damage” done by fire extinguishing procedures, wholly oblivious to the fact that fire extinguishing procedures are only necessary when management* has permitted a fire to get under way.


TEMPEST TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION, manufacturer of the Tempest Power Blower, has purchased CONTROLLED AIRSTREAMS, INC. Controlled Airstreams is the originator and largest manufacturer of both electricand gas-powered direct-drive positive-pressure ventilation fans. Tempest plans to move the Controlled Airstreams operation to larger quarters in Fresno, California and to increase manufacturing personnel by 80 percent.

Why Sprinkler Systems

AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS have proven themselves to be the most reliable form of fixed fire protection over the past 100 years. Statistics compiled by various organizations, most notably the National Fire Protection Association, have shown that fires occurring in buildings protected by automatic sprinkler systems are controlled or extinguished by the sprinklers 96 out of 100 times.

Cycling Waterflow in Sprinker Systems

WHEN BRINGING a new computer-based fire alarm system on line, some problems are expected. For the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PGDP) in Paducah, Kentucky, one of the problems had been there all along. It was in the way the large sprinkler systems in the plant operate.