America’s emergency responders, and in particular its firefighters, were mentally side by side with their comrades during Hurricane Hugo and the Bay Area earthquake disasters. Never before has there been such complete coverage by the media before, during, and after large-scale operations. We watched and listened as the fire services on both coasts were taxed to their physical, mental, and emotional limits. No magazine could show the horror, the frustrations, and the exhaustive heroics as they were telecast minute by minute, day after day.


PHOSGENE IS AN extremely toxic, water-reactive, corrosive, irritating, colorless-to-light-yellow gas with an odor that ranges front newly mowed grass at low concentrations to very pungent at high concentrations. It is usually shipped and stored as a liquefied gas.


Just what is overhauling? If you’re referring to a time frame at the fire for report purposes, it’s all operations that continue once the command officer declares that the fire is under control. It doesn’t mean that the fire is out; it only means that in the experienced view of the officer in charge the fire will be extinguished with the logistics onscene and that further extension is an improbability.


THE MOST important precaution when handling flammable liquids is to guard against the ignition of vapors. All ignition sources must be removed or isolated from any space where flammable vapors exist. This requires a knowledge of ignition sources including those mentioned before: static electricity, metallic sparks, and open flames.


FOR SOME TIME, many of our discussions at the Mallets Bay, Vermont Volunteer Fire Department had centered around positive-pressure ventilation. We had all read articles expounding its benefits on the fireground but we had not had the opportunity to see it for ourselves.

MRI Units: Medical Technology that Should Attract Your Attention

MORE AND MORE hospitals and healthcare facilities have begun using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as a diagnostic tool. Magnetic resonance is considered revolutionary in that it involves no pain or radiation: It provides a three-dimensional view of soft tissues within the body’s soft tissues—tumors in the brain, muscles, and tendons, for example.

The Fair Labor Standards Act has proven its muscle in cases involving the fire service.

IN 1985 THE U.S. SupremeCourt decision Garcia v. San Antonio Metropolitan Transit Authority, 469 U.S. 528 (1985) made the Fair Labor Standards Act and its minimum wage and overtime provisions expressly applicable to state and municipal employees— including career firefighters.