Volunteer Recruiting: A Success Story

Many departments engage in active recruiting of volunteer or on-call firefighters just to maintain their current service levels. In many cases, run volume is increasing, responsibilities are expanding, and more stringent requirements for training are being placed upon the department members.

Recruiting and Manning

When one of the oldest rescue companies in New York City was being formed, the department had to recruit for volunteers for assignment. Requirements included that those applying have some experience in a trade and, most importantly, be capable of passing a rigid, special examination.
Tower Ladders

Tower Ladders

The tower ladder (ladder tower, aerial scope, platform, or whatever you may call it) is the most aggressive and versatile piece of fire equipment since the advent of mechanized fire apparatus. It should be set up, as should all aerial devices, for offensive fire operations at all occupied structure fires.
Collecting and Handling Evidence at the Fire Scene: An Overview

Collecting and Handling Evidence at the Fire Scene: An Overview

The knock-out sounds at 0300 hours, sending your truck company, two engine companies, and a district battalion chief screaming to a vacant building fire. As you roll out of bed and slide down the pole, you know what you're going to find when you arrive—another arson fire in an old, abandoned building, just like the others you've been fighting over the last several weeks in the same general area of town.
NFPA has reservations on sprinkler bill

NFPA has reservations on sprinkler bill

Part of the legislation that would require hotels and motels to install adequate smoke detectors and an automatic sprinkler system doesn't sit well with the National Fire Protection Association. It's not the concept that's the problem, Joseph Redden, the association's assistant vice-president for external affairs, is quick to say.

BLEVE: The Propane Cylinder

Two engine companies and two ladder companies respond to a report of a truck fire at a residential/business community. The officer of the first pumper on the scene sees smoke issuing from a large, enclosed lunch-wagon van.
How the Fire Services Caucus Measures Up: An Analysis

How the Fire Services Caucus Measures Up: An Analysis

Member-to-member lobbying—the informal process by which members of Congress reach agreement on what to regulate, how to spend, and where to get money—influences the passage of federal law more than anything else. Most Congressional member-to-member contact is just that: brief personal conversations. However, for some causes and on some occasions, members of Congress form caucuses and agree to work together on a regular basis.