Lesson Plan: Computer-aided Dispatch System

Lesson Plan: Computer-aided Dispatch System

The expanding role and size of the Bellevue (Neb.) Volunteer Fire Department (BVFD) necessitated the development of a comprehensive pre-fire/medical emergency plan that would provide vital technical assistance in all operations.

Rescue Apparatus

When we think of a rescue company, a variety of hydraulic, air, and electricand gasolinepowered tools come to mind. Often overlooked is the apparatus, the piece of equipment that's the key to any rescue operation. It not only carries the specialized tools and equipment, but, more importantly, it's the means of transporting the personnel with the know-how.
Heart attack leads the list of firefighter fatalities once again

Heart attack leads the list of firefighter fatalities once again

Heart attack was the top cause of reported firefighter deaths in 1987, killing almost half of those who died while on duty, according to a National Fire Protection Association study. But while the rate of firefighter deaths brought on by heart attack was down for firefighters over 40, five victims were under age 35 and two were under age 20.

What’s Dumb?

The fire service and all its ancillary, contributory, and relational services have picked up the ball on the sprinklerization issue of human-occupied spaces in America. As frustrating as the fight is, it goes on. Federal, state and local governments are getting the message and, more importantly, are getting involved. Fire service and commercial organizations have been making their ideas and goals felt in the building trades.


A brochure on Scotch brand polyurethane protective tapes is available from the company. The tapes are made from a highly durable thermoplastic elastomer and are precoated with either a natural rubber or high performance acrylic adhesive. Placed on vehicles, they're strong enough to protect against stone chips.

Lightweight Wood Truss Floor Construction: A Fire Lesson

Recently, a multiple-alarm fire destroyed half of a three-story apartment building in San Antonio, Texas. It was one in a series of extra-alarm fires in which lightweight, wood-frame trusses with metal surface fasteners proved to be an important factor in firefighting operations.

Fire Communications: Are You Really Listening?

Fire department units believe they are operating at a routine refuse compactor in a 35-story residence building. During the operation, the dispatch center receives more than 21 additional phone messages, some from trapped occupants on upper floors, before the chief on the scene declares the minor cellar fire under control.