Chemical Data Notebook Series #24: Hydrogen Fluoride

Both etched glass and frosted glass can be quite decorative, a welcome addition to a person's china cabinet. But the material used to do the decorative work, hydrogen fluoride, is very unwelcome in a spill situation. Exposure to the material, in either gas or liquid form, could lead to serious illness or injury, and in some cases, death.

Car Fires: Too Often Taken for Granted

Each day across North America, firefighters are dispatched with a message such as this: "Engine 1, a car fire, Aaron Avenue and Kendra Court; a car fire, Engine 1." How often are these calls taken for granted and the numerous hazards of a vehicle fire overlooked?
Circular Power Saw Safety

Circular Power Saw Safety

Circular power saws provided a significant advance in offensive structural firefighting tactics when they were introduced in the late 1960s. Unfortunately, they're also responsible for some painful, disabling injuries during operations.

An Open Letter

Dear Boston Fire Department: I apologize. There are many photographs of fire operations that are submitted to magazines without any supporting stories. They are spectacular and, in truth, most are of defensive operations that are taken from great distances.

Paradise (Almost) Lost

Power to their lift station pumps gone, their 5-inch supply hose cut, firefighters took refuge under their own apparatus as flames shot uphill out of three densely wooded canyons, across a firebreak, and over their heads.

How to Step on Their Shoes Without Messing Up Their Shine

Performance evaluations aren't easy for anyone involved. Employees want to be well thought of by others, especially their supervisors, so they're apprehensive about being evaluated. And supervisors have a long list of reasons to dislike conducting performance evaluations.


May 14-15—The Meadowood County (N.H.) Area Fire Department's SEMIANNUAL FIRE SCHOOL will be held at its training center in Fitzwilliam, N.H. Oneand two-day rescue and fire courses will be offered, most from the NFPA 1001 curriculum. For more information, write to the Meadowood County Area Fire Department, P.O. Box 969, Keene, NH 03431-0969, or call (603) 242-3806 or (603) 352-3882.