Chicago Conflagration

In September 1986, the Chicago, IL, Fire Department battled a spectacular multiple-alarm inferno that extended to several buildings in the city's "central manufacturing district." Hampered by the fire's intense radiant heat and the limited accessibility of apparatus to the fireground, the firefighters had their work cut out for them in combatting this incident.

Safety and Loss Control for the Fire Service

The phrase firefighter safety refers to many different areas: safety on the fireground, safety in department quarters, apparatus and response safety, firefighter physical fitness, etc. All these areas must be addressed when you are developing a comprehensive, high-quality, effective safety and loss control program for your department.


March 9-12, 1987-WESTERN PUBLIC FIRE EDUCATION CONFERENCE will be held at the Red Lion Inn at the Quay, Vancouver, WA. The conference will cover media relations, fire prevention programs for special groups, and special presentations of innovative and unique approaches to public education. For information, write to: Don Anderson, Tualatin Fire District, P.O. Box 127, Tualatin, OR 97062. March 23-26, 1987 —The annual NATIONAL FOAM FIRE SCHOOL will be held at the Texas A&M University Fire Training Center.


Chem-Tex Corporation announces the availability of descriptive literature on their 12-ounce Butyl total encapsulated chemical suit used for training only. Information on the suits and price lists can be obtained from the company. Circle No. 45 on Reader Service Card Rescue system booklet.
Safety notice has been issued concerning dangers of using cabinet heaters due to gas leakage

Safety notice has been issued concerning dangers of using cabinet heaters due to gas leakage

Fire safety personnel/inspectors are urged to alert residents in their districts that a safety notice has been issued concerning approximately 3,000 LPG-fired cabinet heaters that may present a safety hazard due to gas leakage. Cosy-Glo Model 177 and Valorette Model 378 are manufactured by Valor International Ltd. in England.

A Letter From The Publisher

FIRE ENGINEERING is pleased to announce that as we enter our 110th year, we do so under the new ownership of the PennWell Publishing Company in Tulsa, OK. PennWell has a long publishing heritage going back to the early 1900's and is best known for their flagship publication, OIL & GAS JOURNAL. Over the years, PennWell has broadened their base of highly successful business publications through hand-picked acquisitions in the petrochemical, computer, dental, fiberoptic, computer graphics, and telecommunications markets.


At a recent meeting, I and several others who read John Bowen's fine article on "Backdraft” in FIRE ENGINEERING'S October 1986 issue had the same questions and comments: Why are firefighters hurt? The picture in the article shows the officer being carried out of the building.