Initiate Plant/Fire Service Liaison

What relationship does your plant's fire brigade have with the municipal fire department? Do you work together? Do you "co-exist"? Do you care? We are constantly telling our municipal fire forces to preplan their district's target hazards which, with very few exceptions, include chemical and industrial plants.

Luxfer calls for retrofit of SCBA cylinders

Anyone finding an air cylinder with the exemption number CTC/DOT-E 7235 4500 that does not have a steel neck ring should immediately depressurize that cylinder and call Luxfer USA Ltd. at 714-684-5110 for further instructions. All of Luxfer's 4,500-psi fiberglass hoop-wrapped aluminum cylinders were to have been retrofitted with this chrome-plated steel neck ring as of October 1, 1985.

HAND TOOLS Care for Them and They’ll Work for You

Just about everything we use in fire extinguishment is considered a tool. From nozzles and hoses to axes and hydraulic spreading devices, each tool requires maintenance. Regular maintenance prolongs not only the tool's life, but also enables the firefighters to use the tools more safely and efficiently to meet their objective.


Spring 1986 —SPRING COURSES offered by the New Jersey State Fire College. Courses include advanced pump and truck company operations, instructional techniques for company officers, and more. For information, contact: New Jersey State Safety Council, 6 Commerce Drive, Cranford, NJ 07016. Telephone(201)272-7712. May 26,1986-AMERICAN FIREFIGHTERS FESTIVAL sponsored by the American Firefighters Festival Foundation (AFFF) will include exhibitions and demonstrations of various specialized fire equipment and apparatus as well as competitions between East Coast speed drill teams.


A laboratory application data sheet on the use of Foxboro Century OVA 108 and OVA 128 Organic Vapor Analyzers for arson investigation studies is now available from the Foxboro Company. These analyzers provide a rapid, effective, on-site method for detecting vapors emitted by trace quantities of accelerants such as gasoline, acetone, and alcohol, which remain in fire debris.


APPARATUS DELIVERIES DEPARTMENTS Circle No. 88 on Reader Service Card Photo by John Carlin Circle No. 87 on Reader Service Card Circle No. 90 on…

Time Management Curve

There are many concepts that help us in the management of resources and in operations. The time-line concept is based on the standard time-temperature curve (see Figure 1 below). A time line is simply a stopwatch represented by a straight line (see Figure 2 below).