I am writing in response to the article in the June 1986 issue of FIRE ENGINEERING entitled "Vertical Stokes Lower via a Roof System" by Kenneth J. Brennan. In reference to a multiple anchor, Mr. Brennan states that, "... running a piece of rescue rope or webbing around two or more... objects... divides the full weight of the descending pull between or among the anchors."


December 19, 1986—The LOS ANGELES CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT CENTENNIAL BALL will be held at the Century Plaza Hotel, 2025 Avenue of the Stars, Century City, CA, at 8 P.M. For information, contact: LAFD Centennial Ball, Los Angeles Fire Department, 200 No. Main Street, Room 1020, Los Angeles, CA 90012; or call (213) 485-5954. January 18-22, 1987—The annual FLORIDA TRAINING IMPROVEMENT CONFERENCE, sponsored by the Florida Chapter of the International Association of Fire Service Instructors, will be held at the Ramada Inn in Ocala, FL.
Sprinkler legislation passed in Maryland’s Montgomery County

Sprinkler legislation passed in Maryland’s Montgomery County

Legislation requiring that automatic sprinklers be installed in all new apartments and town houses has been passed by Maryland's Montgomery County. The legislation mainly affects garden apartments that are four stories or fewer because there is already a state law that requires sprinklers in larger buildings.


A new bulletin featuring pump "winterizing” tips and procedures is now available from Gorman-Rupp Company. Copies of the "Winter Storage Guide for GormanRupp Pumps" are available free of charge from the company. Circle No. 68 on Reader Service Card


Tomar Electronics Inc. introduces its new traffic preemption transmitter kit. The Tomar Model 750FF kit includes a fast flashing power supply and twin Par 46 chrome enclosed strobe lamps that will activate your existing traffic signal preemption receptors in properly equipped signals.

How Are Decisions Made?

Some decisions in the fire service are made quickly, others take considerable deliberation, and then there are those that involve hours of procrastination. The fire service is very traditional, thus increasing the difficulties of decision making.


During a fire incident, the Towanda, PA, Fire Department relies primarily on the Susquehanna River for its water supply. In fact, the downtown business district (a high hazard area made up of three- and four-story brick buildings built during the 1800s) is adjacent to the river. To better meet the needs of its district, the Towanda Fire Department replaced a 1965 engine with this new 2,000-gpm pumper from Sutphen Corp.