PROPANE Problems Addressed through Training

A liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) explosion that occurred in Whitefish, MT, was the topic of discussion in the hazardous materials course at the Mississippi Fire Academy in Jackson last December 4. Shortly after the class adjourned, another LPG explosion occurred— two miles from the academy in Pearl, MS.


August 16-18, 1985—OHIO STATE FIREMEN'S ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE to be held at the Holiday Inn Eastgate in Clermont County, OH. For information, contact: Jeffrey L. Schubert, Publicity Chairman, at (513) 732-1040. August 24,1985—NEBRASKA FIRE AND ARSON INVESTIGATION CONFERENCE to be held at the Holiday Inn in Hastings, NE.

Unsupported vs. Supported Supply Lines

How often do we hear complaints about the water supply at a fire? Too often! The pump operator reports that the pressure is inadequate or that the supply line is collapsing because you are pumping past your supply. This can interfere with extinguishment operations at a spreading fire, curtail plans for exposure protection, and necessitate dispatching additional companies to the scene.

NYC firefighters now wearing emergency alerting device

New York City Mayor Edward Koch and Fire Commissioner Joseph Spinnato have announced that the city's firefighters are being issued a new device called Personal Alert Safety System (PASS). Also known as the Lifeguard Personal Distress Device, the hands-free unit is about the size of a small transistor radio and is worn on the firefighter's breathing apparatus or belt.
FEMA announces new states for national fire prevention program

FEMA announces new states for national fire prevention program

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has announced that 10 additional states will participate in a national community volunteer fire prevention program. In each of these states, three communities representing an urban, suburban, and rural area will receive federal funding up to $25,000.
New sprinkler for early suppression is currently in works

New sprinkler for early suppression is currently in works

The Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FMRC) has reached new developments in its sprinkler research that may change current protection philosophies and strategies. One loss control problem that has developed over the last several decades is the high-challenge storage fire.


Midland LMR has introduced a Syn-Tech portable 80-channel synthesized two-way belt-mounted FM radio. The new portable radio has a programmable E/PROM-controlled microprocessor, which permits users to match the portable's capabilities to their exact system requirements. Among the functions controlled by the E/PROM are up to 80-channel frequencies, time-out timing, busy-channel lockout, coded-squelch tones, and the channel scan options.