Commercial Roof Insulation: An Old Headache Gets Worse

Think back to the last time you were operating on the roof of a taxpayer or factory building. You finally got the saw started, cut a 4 X 8 hole, peeled back the roof, and NOTHING! You hadn't even penetrated the roof deck itself! Sound familiar?
FTC asked to ban plastic toxicity film

FTC asked to ban plastic toxicity film

The Society of the Plastics Industry has asked the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to ban "The Burning Issues," a film that describes the dangers firefighters face when they are exposed to the toxicity of burning plastic.
Four new training courses available from the National Fire Academy

Four new training courses available from the National Fire Academy

The National Fire Academy has released four additional audio/visual training courses to assist in meeting the training requirements of fire/rescue organizations. The new courses are entitled:

Right-to-Know—But What?

EVERY year, four-billion tons of hazardous materials are carried by rail and road in 90-million individual shipments across the United States. If these figures don't give you reason to pause, consider that millions of tons of materials called hazardous are manufactured, stored, used, and sold in this country every year. “Why hit us with these figures again?" you ask. “Hazardous materials have been beaten to death." I would have tended to agree with you—a year ago.

Ground Cover Fires: Train to Control

Ground cover fires present a major problem to firefighters throughout the nation. There are different types of ground cover fires that occur all over the country. They include: surface and duff fires in the eastern woods, heavy grass fires in the swamps and bogs of the southeast, grass fires in the vacant lots of cities and across the central plains, heavy brush fires in the far west, and forest fires in large, undeveloped areas.
Some tank cars unsafe for haz-mat transport

Some tank cars unsafe for haz-mat transport

The Materials Transportation Bureau of the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) has warned that certain railroad tank cars are not properly equipped to handle the transport of hazardous materials that are required to be carried in a specification tank car.


FIRE ENGINEERING (ISSN 00152587). October, 1985, Vol. 138, No. 10. Member. Association of Business Publishers Inc. and Audit Bureau of Circulations. Published monthly by Technical Publishing, a Company of the Dun & Bradstreet Corporation. John K. Abely. President. EXECUTIVE. EDITORIAL AND ADVERTISING OFFICES: 875 Third Avenue, New York. NY 10022.