Los Angeles F.D. Takes to the Air

The scope of fire suppression and rescue operations are becoming broader and more demanding; the urban environment is congested to the point of reducing response time. Fire protection planning must take into consideration all factors impeding the ability of emergency personnel to deliver their services to the community.

Haz-Mat Risk Assessment

One of the major issues on hazardous materials facing a fire chief is determining the extent of the problem in his area. The types of chemicals that are used in the community, as well as those that are transported through the community, need to be determined and cataloged.


Circle no. 44 on Reader Service Card Circle no. 43 on Reader Service Card Circle no. 46 on Reader Service Card Circle no. 41 on Reader Service Card Circle no. 45 on Reader Service Card


June 13-16, 109th Annual Conference of the Michigan State Firemen's Assn. Contact Jay Kleinhardt, P.O. Box 55, Clare, MI 48617. June 19-21, Seminar XVI, sponsored by the Philadelphia Fire Department and the Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science. Contact Frank Squillace, Seminar Coordinator, Fire Prevention Div., 3rd and Spring Garden Sts., Philadelphia, PA 19123
Flexible specifications net considerable cost savings

Flexible specifications net considerable cost savings

Fire departments can save thousands of dollars when purchasing new apparatus by developing a flexible set of specifications and seeing how manufacturers' speculation apparatus or show/demonstration models might satisfy these specs.

Recognizing and Identifying BURN PATTERNS

We have all heard fire investigators say that they have observed flammable liquid burn patterns at a fire scene and that their conclusions as to the fire's origin and cause were based upon that observation. What is it about these burn patterns that makes investigators point to flammable liquid as the cause?


THOMAS F. BRENNAN Editor JACKIE COX Associate Editor LINDA MCCAULEY Managing Editor SHERI THOMAS Editorial Assistant