An arcade that covered the entire front of a 21-store shopping center in McAllen, Texas, caught fire on Aug. 19 and threatened the $4-million complex with destruction. The first call describing flames shooting from the roof of the center near the northern limits of this town of 75,000 near the Mexican border was logged at 9:29 p.m. Engine 2, a pumper-water tower, and Engine 5, a heavy pumper, responded from McAllen's North Station while Deputy Chief loe Garza and Rescue 1 responded from Central Station.

Have You Got a Minute?

Do you have enough time to do ail the things you want to do? Probably not. What about the things you have to do? Again, probably not. Meanwhile, at national conferences like the recent Fire Department Instructors Conference and at state and local training sessions we are exposed to many exciting ideas. But back on the job we don t always follow through on those ideas.


Joseph F. Cosgrove has announced his retirement as publisher of Technical Publishing Company's Fire Engineering, effective April 1, 1983. Cosgrove had headed the magazine since September 1970 after having held a number of other key positions since first joining the company in 1947.


CRICO introduces a hand-held radiation detector weighing less than 10 ounces with a 9-volt battery. The Nuke/Elert identifies radiation contamination on clothes, hair, and food. Circle No. 12 on Reader Service Card Information Display The automatic information display, manufactured by Digitize, Inc., introduces an option called "First AID".


I totally enjoyed your January issue of Fire Engineering pertaining to Apparatus and Equipment Maintenance and Upkeep. Now, due to budget restraints, the majority of us are going to take better care of our apparatus and equipment. But what about the men who man the engines, rescues, etc.?

BREATHING APPARATUS MAINTENANCE: Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Fire Department

Several years ago, the Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Fire Department decided that it was necessary to improve the maintenance of breathing apparatus being used. The maintenance program in operation at the time, in our opinion, was not up to our standards. To keep from endangering any of our personnel, the decision was made to implement a new and improved maintenance program.


Blending into Miami, Florida's "Little Havana" section, Fire Rescue Station No. 7 has proven so efficient that the City of Miami Fire Department is considering it as a prototype for future fire stations. In service since November 1981, the station houses a rescue squad, a 103-foot aerial, a 1000 gpm pumper, as well as the district fire chief's car.