Built-in Fire ProtectionÑ The Answer to Productivity

Built-in Fire ProtectionÑ The Answer to Productivity

Out of a conference of the nation’s mayors last month came a chorus of moans inspired by reports that the federal government was looking unfavorably on its role as sugar-daddy to the cities enmeshed in fiscal crises. In both large cities and small towns, the search for more municipal funds is desperate and the fire departments in these municipalities are among the departments feeling the financial squeeze.
Fire Schools and Seminars

Fire Schools and Seminars

Aircraft Crash and Mass Casualty Management: Arizona State University, Sept. 13—17. For further information contact William H. Allen, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Arizona State university, Tempe, Ariz. 85287. California Fire Academy: Fire Management II, Aug. 22-27; Fire Management III, Nov. 14-19; Fire Command II, Nov. 7-12; Fire Investigation II, Aug. 1-6; Fire Prevention II, Nov. 28Dec. 3; Fire Instructor Ib, Sept. 26-31; Fire Instructor IIb, Dec. 12—17; Public Education Officer II, Oct. 31-Nov. 5; Master Instructor, Sept. 19-24.

Flammable Liquid Fires Put Thinking Ahead of Fast Action

A fundamental error made at sizable flammable liquid fires is the immediate application of foam before making a determination of the amount of foam required. Fire fighters are only human when they react to flaming petroleum product or polar solvent incident by starting an attack with foam lines at once. However, they may be setting the scene for an even larger and more hazardous problem.
Coming Events

Coming Events

Aug. 1-5—Western Division Fire Chiefs Conference, San Diego, Calif. Contact Chief Earle G. Roberts, 1222 First Ave., San Diego, Calif. 92101. Aug. 15-19—Canadian Fire Chiefs Conference, Winnipeg. Contact Chief T. L. Moist, Winnipeg Fire Dept., 161 Princess St., Both fl., Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3C 08P.
Phoenix Little Red Book

Phoenix Little Red Book

In a public service effort to save lives and property, the Phoenix Fire Department and AD 2 Phoenix, an organization of advertising people, have combined to write “the little red book.” The bright red pamphlet is distributed free by local savings and loan banks, and contains information on fire prevention and protection, smoke detectors and home exit fire drills.


Austin EMS Station

Austin EMS Station

An emergency medical services station, housing an EMS medic unit and equipment, has been opened in Austin, Texas. Believed to be the nation’s first station built solely for EMS use, the 3198-square foot building cost $345,000, and will be used by 119 personnel.