Quick-Response Squad Used To Assist County EMS Effort

Quic k-response squads are now being used to meet the needs of rural Snyder County, Pa., fire departments. Quickresponse squads are not an invention of Snyder County, of course. Fire departments in many areas are working with this idea. What’s unique about this program is the relatively large number of squads in use.
Fire Schools and Seminars

Fire Schools and Seminars

Aircraft Crash and Mass Casualty Management: Arizona State University, Sept. 13-17. For further information contact William H. Allen, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, Ariz. 85287. California Fire Academy: Fire Management II, Aug. 22-27; Fire Investigation II, Aug. 1—6; Fire Prevention IV, July 11-16;
The Book Shelf

The Book Shelf

INDUSTRIAL FIRE PROTECTION, First Edition, IFSTA, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Okla. 74078; 204 pages, $17.95. The specialized field of industrial fire protection, including why plant fire protection is needed, is discussed. Case histories of several plants and the weaknesses in their fire protection coverage are noted, along with emergency planning, fire prevention, fire brigades, training and inspecting, testing and evaluating fire protection systems.


OUR TOWN IS BURNING DOWN, Aetna Life and Casualty, Media Resources, Corporate Communications (DA06), Hartford, Conn. 06156; 18 minutes; loaned free with postage charge, 16mm and cassette, also brochures and information kit available. A community working together to prevent arson is the theme of this film, with the town of Muncy, Pa., as the leading ‘character.’
NFA Outreach Program

NFA Outreach Program

1982 Outreach Class Schedule for National Fire Academy: Arkansas; Fire/Arson Detection, July 24-25, Sept. 25-26, contact Paul Benton, Dir., Ark. Fire Academy, P.O. Box 3048, E. Camden, Ark. 71701. Florida; Public Fire Safety Ed., Sept. 11-12, contact Dennis Dewar, Bureau Chief, Fire Stds. Tr., 1501 S.W. Broadway, Ocala, Fla. 32670.

Truck Driver Is Rescued As Naphtha Tanker Burns

A tank truck loaded with 8350 gallons of light naphtha collided head-on with a small automobile in dense fog near Weatherford, Okla., last Feb. 15 and began to burn. The Weatherford Fire Department, which protects a town of 13,000 people with nine paid members and 11 volunteers, received the first call from a county sheriff at 7:40 that Monday morning.
Computer-Use Directory

Computer-Use Directory

The United States Fire Administration is compiling information on microcomputers in the fire service. The result—a resource directory—can be used by fire departments to guide their own involvement with the new technology. If your fire department already has a microcomputer, contact USFA and let them know how it is being applied to fire service management.