A former beer warehouse now serves as the new district headquarters for the Arlington Fire District of Poughkeepsie, N.Y. What seemed like a wild idea at first eventually solved a number of problems. Both the fire district and the beer distributing company had realized that their current buildings couldn't accommodate their growing needs.
WeÍre Not Getting Older„Just Better

WeÍre Not Getting Older„Just Better

If you have read this far, you know that Fire Engineering is sporting a new typographical design. Body type, head type, article layouts and even the et ceteras have a new appearance. What isn't new is the Fire Engineering tradition of 105 years — printing articles that help the fire service provide better protection by reporting technological and administrative advances as they are made.
Performance Standards For Polyurethane Products

Performance Standards For Polyurethane Products

We recently had an opportunity to discuss the toxicity problem created by burning polyurethane foams with James A. Hollars, president of the Flexible Polyurethane Foam Manufacturers Association. Fire fighters are increasingly concerned about toxic gases — especially hydrogen cyanide — emitted by burning polyurethanes in homes and offices. Polyurethane products are so desirable in their many uses that to try to ban their use would be about as practical as trying to shovel back the tide with a pitchfork.

Know PumperÍs Capabilities With Mounted Deluge Gun

The increasingly popular deluge gun mounted atop a pumper adds a blitz attack with a master stream to the options of the first-in engine company. To make this quick application of a large rate of flow of water practical, however, the engine company members must be familiar with the capabilities of their apparatus.
Waterous Demonstrator Tour

Waterous Demonstrator Tour

Fire pump operation and maintenance classes will be offered by the Waterous mobile demonstrator, beginning in March 1983. Designed to demonstrate basic pump principles and maintenance, the class will update fire fighters and answer any questions.


In 1976 the fire department recognized that the city had outgrown the department's capacity to collect information. The main source of response information was the fire control center, where operators recorded incident information and arrival times as well as they could while simultaneously managing the field resources.


Increased energy costs are continuing to make alternative sources attractive to the public. One such source is the photovoltaic cell, which makes electricity from light. Although photovoltaic systems are relatively expensive at present, there is great promise that the cost will rapidly be reduced to the point where the systems will be fairly common.