Home-Study Disaster Course

Home-Study Disaster Course

An independent home-study course covering such far-ranging preparedness areas as natural disasters, technological dangers and the threat of nuclear war is being offered to the general public by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The course, offered by mail through the National Emergency Training Center, explains the concept of emergency management and describes the signs and warnings, immediate and long-term dangers, mitigation and preparedness measures and response and recovery tips for a wide variety of emergencies.
Fire Schools and Seminars

Fire Schools and Seminars

Aircraft Crash and Mass Casualty Management: Arizona State Univ., Feb. 1-5; Sept. 13-17. For further information contact William H. Allen, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Arizona State Univ., Tempe, Ariz. 85287. California Fire Mechanics Academy, April 5-9, Stockton, Calif.
ManufacturersÍ Literature

ManufacturersÍ Literature

80 Fire Apparatus—Two brochures are available from J.C. Moore Industries, Fire Apparatus Division. One describes the new Moore-E-Conomy fire apparatus which includes pumper-tankers, tankers, minipumpers and skid units. Also available with it is a series of specification sheets.

First-In OfficerÍs Decisions Set Pattern for Operations

The first-in officer at a fire bears a particularly high degree of responsibility because his initial decisions should establish the base for an effective strategy for continuing fireground operations. Whether the first-in officer is a company officer or a first-alarm chief, his actions must conform to his department’s standard operating procedures and match what his superior officer would have done if he had been first on the fireground.


Drysdale Appointed to WPI

Drysdale Appointed to WPI

Dougal Drysdale, Ph.D., a fire safety lecurer at the University of Edinburgh, has been appointed Connecticut General/Aetna visiting professor in the graduate level fire protection engineering curriculum at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Mass., beginning this month.
Apathetic Public? Ignorant? Neither?

Apathetic Public? Ignorant? Neither?

How often have we heard and said that the main obstacles to a better fire safety record are apathy and ignorance—that people really do not care about or are unaware of proper fire safety requirements? I argue that, with a few exceptions involving children and fire survival techniques, people are neither apathetic nor ignorant about fire. Let me cite an obvious example of my point. That it is dangerous to smoke in bed is surely one of the most widely known of the fire prevention commandments.