Fire After Gas Explosion Destroys Half Block of Commercial Buildings

Urban renewal isn’t just for big cities. To revitalize two blocks of Main St., little Hartford, Wis. (pop. 6499) launched an $870,000 project which brought an unexpected result—the destruction by fire of commercial buildings occupying nearly half of one block.

Happy Birthday, NFA!

It hardly seems possible, but the National Fire Academy completed its first year of operation last Jan. 21. We say it hardly seems possible because it took so many years first to get the authorization for an academy and then it took some more years before the site at Emmitsburg was occupied.
Fire Schools and Seminars

Fire Schools and Seminars

Arizona State University: Brigade Fire Training, March 7; Apparatus & Pumps, March 7-8; Flammable Liquids I, March 7-8; Apparatus & Pumps, March 21-22; Apparatus & Pumps, April 4-5. For further information contact the Office of the State Fire Marshal, P.O. Box 19070, Phoenix, Ariz. 85005.
Manufacturers’ Literature

Manufacturers’ Literature

80 Halon 1211—A multipurpose fire fighting agent which evaporates completely and leaves no residue is described in a new brochure from ICI Americas Inc. BCF Halon 1211 for use in portable extinguishers provides effective protection for class A, B and C fires. The brochure is complete with fullcolor photographs and technical data charts to detail Halon’s uses and advantages.
The Round Table

The Round Table

William W. Kehoe, President, Alexandria, Va.: The course I attended at the NFA was Volunteer Fire Service Management, and while it lasted hut two days, the content was comparable to other courses I am taking through the Open Learning Fire Science Program at the University of Maryland.

Threat of Fire in Hill Area Spurs Organization of Volunteer Department

In an effort to protect their growing community, citizens in the hills of Sonoma County, Calif., have formed, with a lot of determination and a conscious group effort, the Mayacamas Volunteer Fire Department. This department, which encompasses both the Cavedale and Trinity Road areas, is named after the mountain range and the earthquake fault running through it.
Boy Scout Program Clears Hydrants After Snowstorms

Boy Scout Program Clears Hydrants After Snowstorms

Digging out hydrants after a snowstorm was a serious problem for the men of the Hamburg, N.Y., Volunteer Fire Department. Hamburg is just south of Buffalo in the snow belt. It was during a particularly bad snowstorm that, some Boy Scouts volunteered to shovel out hydrants.