

Arson Declines In St. Paul

Arson Declines In St. Paul

The incidence of incendiary and suspicious fires in St. Paul, Minn., has declined an average of 21.83 percent since 1977, a fact that St. Paul Chief Steve Conroy attributes to cooperation between the fire department and St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance. Their cooperative effort has established such programs as tuition for fire/police arson team training, participation in Minnesota’s “Arson Reward” program, provision of a fully-equipped arson investigation van, the design and funding of a junior high school crime prevention program, and promotion of tougher state arson laws.

Computer Put In Vehicle of Haz-Mat Unit

A computer portable enough to fit on the apparatus seat is carried by our hazardous materials response team. On the scene anywhere, it can provide ready reference to information on thousands of materials. The Hillsborough County, Fla., Fire Department established the special response team in 1979 and began to equip a vehicle with useful equipment.

N.Y. Pumpers Get 2nd Life in Colorado

After some years of faithful service, what happens to old pumpers? Some may be ready for the scrap heap hut many can still have a longer service life. With energy and effort, they can be revitalized into useful equipment according to Ralph Vance, a captain in the Elk Creek Fire Department, located in the southwest mountains of Jefferson County, Colo.

Alaska Fire Dept. Also Snags Planes

Fire fighters often have dual roles at remote and overseas military air bases. In addition to the usual fire, crash and rescue duties, the Galena Fire Department of the Alaskan Air Command operates an aircraft carrier-type cable landing system. Even where the temperature ranges from 65 degrees below zero up to the 70s, as around Galena, fighter planes must be able to take off and land in severe weather.
Bulletin Out of Print

Bulletin Out of Print

In an article on plugging leaks in tankers in the August issue of Fire Flngineering, among the listed reference materials on page 43 was “Fruehauf Tank Vehicle and Commodity Bulletins.” Don Fallon, division sales analyst for the Fruehauf Corporation has informed us that these bullet ins are out of print and are no longer available.

Air Compressor: Lubricate Properly

In recent years, there has been a tremendous increase in the use of high pressure respiratory-type air compressors by fire departments. Because of this increase, helpful information is needed for the operators of these compressors. One of the most important operational items (as well as one of the most abused) is proper lubrication.