Fatal Neglect Criticized

Fatal Neglect Criticized

Fire deaths of the elderly through neglect is rapidly becoming a tragic trend, according to Gordon Vickery, U.S. Fire Administrator. The latest incident occurred November 10 in the small Ohio community of Pioneer, where 14 women perished in a boarding house fire, started by a child playing with matches.
Fire Schools and Seminars

Fire Schools and Seminars

Arizona State University Arson Investigation Courses: Basic, March 24-April 4, May 19-30; Advanced, April 7-11, June 2-6. For further information contact the International Center for Safety Education, P.O. Box 968, Tempe, Ariz. 85281. August F. Mazzone Fire & Arson Conference, 7th annual, April 11-13, Collinsville, Ill.
Manufacturers’ Literature

Manufacturers’ Literature

80 Alternators—A new 20-page, general product catalog is now available from the Leece-Neville division of Sheller-Globe Corporation. The illustrated publication features alternators designed for use in fire apparatus. Also featured are transformer/ rectifier units designed for vehicles with 12-volt electrical systems and 24-volt starters.
Coming Events

Coming Events

April 11-13—August F. Mazzone Fire & Arson Conference: 7th annual conference, Holiday Inn, Collinsville, Ill. For information, contact H. Douglas Brown, 200 Louise Dr. Collinsville, Ill. 62234. April 15-18—Southwestern Division, IAFC. Albuquerque, N.M., Albuquerque, Inn. For information, contact Chief Wallace A. Bearor, Fire Headquarters, 505 N. Third St., Temple, Tex. 76501.
The Round Table

The Round Table

Leonard L. LaPour, Jr., Chief, Marshalltown, Iowa: The City of Marshalltown provides emergency medical service as an adjunct to the Marshall County ambulance service that is operated by the Marshalltown Area Community Hospital. Our role, a very minor one, is to provide standby service when all their units are busy.
Canadian Buffs Build Fire Prevention Show

Canadian Buffs Build Fire Prevention Show

There’s no United States monopoly on fire buffing. The International Fire Buff Associates, with 69 member clubs, includes one entire segment (Region 10) of fan groups from outside this country. Most of them are in Canada, where a unique province-wide organization—the Ontario Fire Buff Associates, or OFBA—was recently incorporated to coordinate fire buffing throughout Ontario.
Extinguisher Identification

Extinguisher Identification

Fire Prevention Inspector Karl C. Appel, of Fullerton, Calif., has developed a system of painting roof beams outside classrooms red when the room contains a fire extinguisher. This eliminates costly metal boxes outside the classrooms, which oftentimes invites vandalism.