Compartmentation vs. Sprinklers— N.Y. High-Rise Fire Rekindles Debate

“There were no new lessons learned. The fire (in the Westvaco Building) behaved exactly as we predicted a fire in a curtain wall building would behave after our investigation of the One New York Plaza fire. In fact it’s a replay of One New York Plaza.”
Fire Schools and Seminars

Fire Schools and Seminars

Arkansas Fire Academy: Fire/Arson Seminars, Forrest City, Jan. 12-16; Monticello, Jan. 26-30; Arkansas Fire Training Academy, Feb. 2-6. For further information contact the Arkansas Fire Academy, P.O. Box 3048, East Camden, Ark. 71701. California Fire Service Academy: Staff Technology, Jan. 4-9; Fire Command III, Jan. 11-16; Fire Investigation II, Feb. 1-6.
Manufacturers’ Literature

Manufacturers’ Literature

80 Dispatch System—A four-page brochure from Telautograph Corp. describes the company’s Telewriter dispatch system. Alarm dispatches written on a Telewriter transmitter are simultaneously duplicated at one or more selected stations. The unit minimizes voice transmission errors and provides hard copy documentation for every dispatch.
The Book Shelf

The Book Shelf

FIRE ENGINES OF EUROPE, John Creighton, State Mutual Book & Periodical Service Ltd., 521 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. 10017, 64 pages, $14.95. A pictorial index of European fire brigades, this book provides condensed descriptions of fire apparatus abroad. The countries discussed include Austria, Italy, Holland, West Germany, and Great Britain.

Soccer Star Cards Score Points for Fire Prevention

Ever think of the possibility that local sports heroes may be one of your best promoters of fire safety education? This year in Seattle that’s exactly what happened. The enthusiasm was running high in the city over the great success of our Seattle Sounders Soccer Club, a professional soccer team in the North American Soccer League.

Manual Fulfills Local Training Needs

When I first joined a volunteer fire department I had hundreds and hundreds of questions. Unfortunately, whenever I started to ask questions, the basic attitude seemed to be, “Keep quiet kid. Keep your eyes and ears open and you will learn from experience.” Over the next 20 years I did learn from experience—probably more so from becoming chief and having to explain to others than from our training sessions and drills.
Histories by Buffs Enhance Local Fire Service Image

Histories by Buffs Enhance Local Fire Service Image

We’ve called attention several times to the ways in which fire buffs help enhance the “image” of their local fire service by reminding citizens of the history of that service. Highlighting the role fire fighters have played in community development focuses favorable public attention on the fire department.