Sprinkler Systems Are Required In Limited Water Supply Areas

A unique concept in fire sprinkler systems is being required in the waterdeficient areas within the jurisdiction of the Santa Barbara County Fire Department. Developers desiring to build a commercial or industrial structure where no public water system exists, or where a water moratorium is in effect, must install an approved automatic sprinkler system if the structure exceeds 5000 square feet.
Fire Schools and Seminars

Fire Schools and Seminars

Arkansas Fire Training Academy: Advisory Committee for Fire Department Training, Apr. 25; Fire Pump Maintenance, Apr. 14 -18 and 19 20; Advanced Rescue and Protective Breathing Procedures, Apr. 14—18 and 19—20; EMT (four weeks), Apr. 21—-25; Arson Crime Scene Search, Apr. 21—25. For further information, contact the Arkansas Fire Academy, Southern Arkansas University, Technical Branch, P.O. Box 3048, Camden, Ark. 71701.

How to Use Portable Pumps And Be Happy With Them

Just about every fire department, no matter how small, has at least one portable pump. The three basic uses for portable pumps are supplying water directly to one or two hand lines for fighting fire, supplying water to an automotive fire pumper, and dewatering cellars, pits and other places where unwanted water has collected.
Coming Events

Coming Events

April 26 29 The National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians: 2nd annual conference to he held at the Regency Hotel, Denver, Colo. For further information, contact Mary King, P.O. Box 2998, Denver, Colo. 80201. May 5 7—Metropolitan Chiefs Committee, IAFC:

Staff and Command Course Explores Extensive Responsibilities of Chiefs

From budget preparation to fireground command, those who attended the National Fire Service Staff and Command Course at the University of Maryland in College Park January 27 to February 4 received a penetrating view of the many responsibilities of a fire chief.


JAMES F. CASEY Editor RICHARD PRATT SYLVIA Associate Editor DOROTHY P. FERGUSON Managing Editor LINDA R. KRAUS Assistant Editor

Smoke Detectors No Substitute For EDITH

There are a lot of people in this country, including some in the fire service, who seem to feel that the home fire and smoke detector is the greatest thing that has happened since the invention of the automatic sprinkler. But this detector has only one function and that is to alert the occupants of a home that there is a fire. Once alerted, the occupants should leave their home by the quickest and safest route possible (it might mean dropping from a second-floor window).