Volunteers Spell Out Needs to USFA At Three-Day National Conference

At the end of three days of intensive work by more than 60 representatives of the nation’s volunteer fire service, they called it the Stonebridge Conference. Some years from now, they may refer to it as a milestone in the progress of the volunteer fire service and a turning point in relations with the United States Fire Administration (USFA).

Ingenuity Can Help Handle Flammable Liquid Fires

Fortunately, most flammable liquid incidents—fires or spills—are small. We say “fortunately” because responses to my questioning of fire fighters in several score departments indicate that the amount of foam concentrate carried on pumpers is four or five cans—20 to 25 gallons.
Manufacturers’ Literature

Manufacturers’ Literature

80 Breathing Systems—A 30 page, full-color catalog that illustrates and describes the Survivair line of back pack, emergency egress and other portable breathing systems, is available from General Scientific Equipment Company. Two lightweight, easily operated 30-minute pressure demand units with audible alarms are described, complete with photos and other illustrations as are other units containing compressed air for 5, 10, 15, 30 and 50 minutes.
Coming Events

Coming Events

Nov. 1-4—International Society of Fire Service Instructors: Fall conference, Stouffer’s Denver Inn. For further information, contact Ed McCormack, Executive Secretary, ISFSI, Box 88, Hopkinton, Mass. 01748. Nov. 12-15—National Fire Protection Association.
USFA Fire Loss Report

USFA Fire Loss Report

The United States Fire Administration’s first detailed report on fire losses and the common causes of destructive fires in the United States is now available. Called “Fire in the United States,” it describes the fire problem at the national, state and local level. The 252-page book details statistics on fire deaths, patterns of fires, fire fighter injuries and economic losses due to fire.
Fire Schools and Seminars

Fire Schools and Seminars

Arson Investigation School: Basic course, Jan 21-Feb. 1, Mar. 24-Apr. 4, May 19-May 30; Advanced course, Nov. 5-9, Feb. 4-8, Apr. 7-11, June 2-6, Arizona State University, Tempe. Fees are $525 for the basic two-week course, $330 for the advanced one-week course and $775 for both courses.

Relay From Lake Battles School Fire

Pumper relays played a vital role in battling an incendiary fire that swept through a school in Harveys Lake, Pa. The fire at the Lake Elementary School was reported at 6:02 a.m. last February 24, a Saturday. Several Harveys Lake Fire Department officers and men were still at the station after returning from a four-hour fire that destroyed a summer cottage.