Tragedy Jury Fails to Indict

Tragedy Jury Fails to Indict

No evidence of criminal negligence was found by a special Campbell County, Ky., grand jury that investigated the Beverly Hills Supper Club fire that took 165 lives May 28, 1977. The grand jury noted in its report made last August 2 that the instances of negligence it uncovered were “not criminal in nature.”

Practical Test to Evaluate Capability of Pump Operators

One of the comforts of taking a line into a challenging fire situation is knowing that you have a first-rate operator back at the pump. One way or another—formally or informally—we test fire fighters before we trust them with operating a pump. Let’s look at a practical pump operation exam that ideally should be given only to those who have passed a written examination that has tested their knowledge of foreground hydraulics.
Fire Schools and Seminars

Fire Schools and Seminars

Arizona State Fire School, Sept. 28-Oct. 1. Emphasis will be placed on Public Education both in the general session and in the workshop presentations. Twelve workshops will be offered: Industrial Fire Brigades; Advanced Wildfire; Fire Prevention III; Arson Investigation; Recruit Fire Training; Tactics & Procedures I and II; Dynamics of Supervision; Volunteer Fire Service Organization & Management; Effective Training on A limited Budget; Public Education in The Fire Service; Emergency Stabilization & Extrication; and Regional NFPCA Management Overview For The Fire Service Officer.
Coming Events

Coming Events

Sept. 28-Oct. 1—The International Society of Fire Service Instructors: Fall conference to be held in Sioux Falls, S.D. For further information, contact Ed McCormack, Sec., ISFSI, Box 88, Hopkinton, Mass. 01748. Oct. 2-5—National Safety Council: 66th Annual National Safety Congress and Exposition, to be held at the Conrad Hilton and Palmer House Hotels, Chicago, Ill.

Cable TV System Detects, Reports Fires in Homes

A new technology, scarcely a halfdozen years old, is now providing lowcost, automatic fire detection and alarm transmission through the use of TV coaxial cable for thousands of homes in about a dozen communities in the United States. Coax cable is, of course, hardly new.



Tanker Explosions—Problem in Inspection

All the world was horrified when a highway tank truck carrying liquefied propylene exploded on a road in Spain adjacent to a crowded beach campsite. Within seconds 139 campers were incinerated while 152 others received massive burns (see page 39). Politicians here were doubly horrified to discover that the same type tankers, numbering in the thousands, were roaming the city streets, county roads and interstates of this country. Naturally, they made a big issue of this with much calling of news conferences and handing out of press releases.