Fire Academy Head Tells Why It Took 3 Years to Put Courses Into Field

Fire Academy Head Tells Why It Took 3 Years to Put Courses Into Field

The last three years at the National Fire Academy have been spent on research, planning and development— laying the necessary foundations for the academy to operate efficiently and to the benefit of the nation’s fire service. This year, the academy is in the field, sponsoring fire courses in the 10 federal regions.

Knots Can’t Be Taught, They Have to Be Learned

The tying of knots is a skill that cannot be taught—it must be learned. If you don’t believe that, try “teaching” a group of fire fighters how to tie four or five knots and hitches during a training session and then, a week later, ask the same men to tie the same knots. The few who pass the test either knew how to tie the knots before your training session or practiced tying those knots in their spare time.
Fire Schools and Seminars

Fire Schools and Seminars

American College of Emergency Physicians— Indiana Chapter: 7th Annual Indianapolis 500 Postgraduate Course in Emergency Medicine, will be held in the Stouffere’ Inn, Indianapolis, Ind., on May 10-13. For further information, contact Pat Murphy, 2771 Fairlawn Drive, Columbus, Ind. 47201. Arkansas Fire Training Academy—Weekday Classes:
Coming Events

Coming Events

April 1-2—The Southern Illinois Arson Investigators Association: 5th Annual Arson Seminar. Will be held at the Round Table Motor Lodge, Collinsville, Ill. For further information, contact Chairman Doug Brown, 200 Louise, Collinsville, Ill. 62234. April 5-7—North Carolina Fire Marshal’s Association:


No Smoking on Hire Line

No Smoking on Hire Line

The Alexandria, Va., Fire Department will no longer hire applicants who smoke. Chief Charles H. Rule and Rolfe E. Schroeder, city personnel director, remarked that they would not be surprised if their new policy is challenged in court. Both Michael A. Connor, secretary of the Alexandria fire fighters’ union, and Lawrence Selden, board chairman of the Northern Virginia Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, have voiced opposition to the new policy.
Fire Management Observations

Fire Management Observations

Take command early and communicate this to your subordinates. Make sure everyone knows whom to report to and who reports to them. Be sure everyone knows his job. Manage by objectives. Follow up on your orders to ensure completion. Have your subordinates notify you of completion of assignments. Formulate and use equipment in strike teams of five engine companies and leader on common radio frequency. Train on and implement FIRESCOPE methods, terminology, and procedures in Southern California.