National Fireman’s Journal

National Fireman’s Journal

EVERETT, THOMSON & Co., Publishers. P. Y. EVREETT, CLIFFORD THOMSON, Editors. The JOURNAL is a weekly paper devoted to the interests of the Firemen and the Fire Departments of this country. The JOURNAL will be published every Saturday, and its aim will be to give all important news relating to or of interest to the members of the Fire Departments in all sections.
Dangerous duality of Kerosene.

Dangerous duality of Kerosene.

The following is a simple and infallible test to ascertain exactly the quality and explosive point of any sample of kerosene oil, no matter by what fancy, attractive name it may be designated in specious advertisements. Take a common tin pan of water, or an ordinary tin pail, say seven inches in diameter and five inches deep; fill the vessel with water and place it on the stove, or over a lamp, so as to heat very gradually; put an ordinary thermometer upright in the water, to indicate the gradual rise of temperature; take a little pan, such as is used to bake small parties, sold for one cent each; in the putty-pan put a tablospoonful of kerosene and let it float on the surface of tho gradually heating water.


A protracted meeting took place last Wednesday, all the members being present. After the adoption of the minutes, as read by Secretory Col. Jussen, the trials were proceeded with, the first case being that of J. W. Cummings, of Engine No. 23, charged with intoxication, absence without leave, and neglect of duty.
Responsibility of Architects and Builders

Responsibility of Architects and Builders

An architect liable to punishment would take pains to calculate his strains, his weights, and the strength of his materials; to study his fire escapes, and other contrivances for the security of life, and zealously to supervise the construction of his piers and arches and ties; and a builder, under the same circumstances, would neither construct nor advise as to the construction of a staging, without far more careful consideration than he seems to bestow under our present happy-go-lucky system, where neither forethought nor caution is encouraged.
Badge Presentation.

Badge Presentation.

Chief Engineer Hendrick, of New Haven, has just received from Tiffany & Co., the New York jewelers, a gold badge valued at $50, which is to he presented to the Secretary of the National Fire Engineers, Chief Engineer Henry A. Hills, of Rome, Ga. The badge is of gold, and is mounted with a wreath which encloses an oval panel on which is engraved a steam fire engine.
State Association.

State Association.

For the benefit of the Firemen of this State, we publish the general officers of the State Association, which are as follows: Officers—Prest. John Hodge, Lockport; Vice Prests., R. N. Marvin, Jamestown, and F. M. Pronk, Middletown; Rec. Sec., Frank M. Baker, Owego; Cor. Sec., J. M. Crapser, Hudson; Fin. Sec.,L. D. Wilder, Auburn; Treas., R. H. Huntington, Adams.


Last Tuesday was set apart for the first meeting of the new Board of Fire Commissioners, all having qualified and filed their bonds. The hour of 10 was named, but Jong before that time, and in fact until near noon, a large crowd of candidates, officeholders and politicians congregated in and about the headquarters.