KY Hoarder Home Found Containing Explosives to be Burned Down

Marc Hibel, 53, a Highview resident and chemist, was in the process of making homemade explosives when he was arrested last week.
explosive device recognition

Recognizing Explosive Materials in the Fire/EMS Service, Part 1

This article will cover the dangers posed to first responders regarding explosive precursors and improvised explosive devices (IEDs).
North Dakota explosives

ND Cops Find 1,000 Pounds of Homemade Explosives

Police said multiple chemicals and powders were also found in the apartment in Williston, located in the North Dakota oil patch.
Munich WWII bomb blast

Explosion of WWII Bomb in Munich Injures Four, Disrupts Trains

A World War II bomb exploded at a construction site next to a busy railway line in Munich, injuring four people, one of them seriously.