Lahaina fires

Maui 2.0: Energy Lessons Learned from the Field

The fire service has much to learn from the devastating wildfires that gripped Maui in 2023 and took the lives of at least 102 people.
photovoltaic systems on roof of residence

Photovoltaic Systems: An Evolving Energy Challenge

Firefighters must prepare for the challenges presented by photovoltaic systems, as they will soon be common in residential, commercial, and wildland environments.
Firefighter with vehicle

Lithium-Ion Battery Disposal: What You Need to Know

This article discusses some options available to agencies when it comes to extinguishing fires caused by lithium-ion batteries.
electrical fires

Manhole Fire Events: Understanding This Energy Hazard

Manhole thermal events occur every day in the United States. Chris Greene explores what causes them and some firefighting considerations.

Energy Storage System Installations: Fire Service Awareness

Over the past couple of years, we have experienced failures in battery systems in Europe, Asia, and here in the United States. The fire service can prepare for these incidents and be proactive.

Electrical Arc Flash Hazards and Personal Protective Equipment

Seattle (WA) Fire Department members Chris Greene and Mark Coons team up with ArcWear consultant Hugh Hoagland to bring you this much-needed discussion on the importance of preparing firefighter gear to protect responders from the dangers of electrical arc flash.

AC vs. DC Hazards: Knowing the Difference Could Save Your Life

You may not realize it or MAY never have given it a second thought, but if you live in a large metropolitan area, alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) energy systems are all around you.