Fire Engineering Editor in Chief David Rhodes

Research Identified the Dumbest Guy in the Room

Questioning why we do things often proves or improves firefighting methods and tactics that have been in place for decades.
Fire Engineering Editor in Chief David Rhodes

So Afraid We Make It Unsafe

The struggle between moral obligation and strict adherence to policy will continue unless firefighters are clear about what our work is.
Fire Engineering Editor in Chief David Rhodes

You Say You Want a Revolution

To effect a real change in fire department culture, it takes more than sensationalism and popularity among like-minded firefighters.
Fire Engineering Editor in Chief David Rhodes

Mr. Incident Commander, Tear Down That Structure!

Vacant and derelict structures present hazards to firefighters, but also problems to the wider neighborhood. David Rhodes has some thoughts on dealing with them.
Firefighter getting stabbed in the back by suit

T-Shirt Management Seven Years Later

The fire department is a support community for firefighters. If that community is fractured, it causes a degree of mental trauma, says David Rhodes.
Fire Engineering Editor in Chief David Rhodes

They Aren’t Dumb; We Just Gotta Change Our Methods

David Rhodes on how instructors can adjust their teaching methods to address gaps when training the next generation of firefighters.
Fire Engineering Editor in Chief David Rhodes

It’s So Easy to Game a Reputation Nowadays; Don’t Be Fooled!

We all compete for reputation, and that should be something founded in productivity and the value of contribution.
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