California firefighter suspended

CA Firefighter Suspended for Off-Duty Racist Remarks in Social Media Video

A video of an Alameda County firefighter directing racist comments to a driver during a heated exchange has been circulating on social media.
Fire service court lawyers

Podcast: Fire Service Court: Ethics, Policies, and Discipline

John K. Murphy, attorney and former deputy fire chief, discusses violations of fire department policies and disciplinary processes.
Atlanta Fire Rescue

GA Fire Chief Reacts to Suspension of Firefighter in Rescue Case

Atlanta (GA) Fire Chief Randall B. Slaughter spoke to reporters about a case in which a firefighter was suspended for his actions during a 2019 house fire.
Florida 911 Dispatcher Disciplined for Not Helping Baby Locked in Car

Florida 911 Dispatcher Disciplined for Not Helping Baby Locked in Car

A Florida police dispatcher will be disciplined for not offering help to a frantic mother whose toddler son had locked himself inside her car, reports…
Discipline at MD Fire Academy Warranted

Discipline at MD Fire Academy Warranted

An independent investigation into the Baltimore Fire Academy cheating scandal indicate that disciplinary actions are warranted against five academy employees cleared by a hearing board, according to a report.
Drill of the Week: Basics of Department Discipline

Drill of the Week: Basics of Department Discipline

A basic management function for officers may include the discipline of members who fail to meet department expectations or standards. Review your department's discipline policy with this week's drill.


One of the definitions for the word “discipline” that you will find in a dictionary reads as follows: “training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character.