Code 3 101

Code 3 101

Any time you drive a fire apparatus, with red lights flashing and a siren blaring, you must use an overabundance of caution and care, writes Demetrius A. Kastros.

Wildland Firefighting 101, Part 2

Wildland fires will threaten neighborhoods and even entire communities, not to mention close highways, airports, and tax all manner of resources, writes Demetrius A. Kastros.

Wildland Firefighting 101

The wildland fire environment has proven to be a dangerous one. We must always pay close attention to basic fundamentals that control the outcome of these fires, writes Demetrius Kastro.
Hazmat ICS structure

Hazmat 101

The hazardous materials environment is one into which firefighters should NOT go racing, sirens blaring; with hazmat, restraint is the order of the moment, writes Demetrius A. Kastros.