Suffolk firefighters respond to house fire

Adopting a Know Before You Go Mentality for Fire Attack

Jack J. Murphy discusses how preplanning has evolved over the decades in the fire service and where firefighters need to go next.
CPSE Center for Innovation

Center For Public Safety Excellence Announces CPSE Center for Innovation

The CPSE Center for Innovation will address an industry-wide gap in evidence-based decision making.
The blind leading the blind

Decision Theory for the Fire Service

Do incident commanders have what it takes to question their fundamental perception of an incident? Marc Coenen on why this needs to happen—and how to do so.
The interior walls of the supermarket were all covered with fiberboards.

Brain and Fire: Thinking Under Pressure

Marc Coenen considers some of the ways fireground stress can impact firefighter decision making—for better and for worse.
David M. Conley

The Things That Matter Most: Firefighters and Priorities

David Conley explores the benefits of organizing priorities and provides a way to develop the habit through the use of the Eisenhower Matrix.
Firefighters seen through window

The Incident Commander and Risk Management

Dennis Reilly shares some key points that incident commanders can use to help manage risk on the fireground.
firefighters Fire Engineering podcast

Podcast: Hooks & Hoses: Sean Eagen

Eric Dreiman speaks with guest Sean Eagen from the Buffalo (NY) Fire Department about training new firefighters and more.