Rotary saw

Rotary Saws: Choosing the Right Blade and Saw for the Job

Rotary saws have earned their place on fire apparatus across the nation. But what blade and saw combination is right for you and your mission?
Firefighter cutting with rotary saw

Firefighting Basics: Rotary Saw Tips

Mark van der Feyst reviews some basic tips for firefighters when beginning to use rotary saws.
Tom Cosgrove on cutting flat roofs

Training Minutes: Cutting a Flat Roof

In this firefighter training video, Tom Cosgrove of the FDNY reviews cutting a flat roof during a fire operation.
Mayday Monday Newport News close call

Mayday Monday: Newport News (VA) Close Call

Tony Carroll speaks to firefighters about a close call during a Newport News (VA) fire at a group home in 2020.
Making a window into a door

Training Minutes: Making Windows into Doors

Joe Alvarez reviews how to extend windows to provide greater access to residential structures.
Mike Ciampo with a saw on the roof of a home

Training Minutes: Pull-Back Roof Cut

Mike Ciampo of the FDNY demonstrates how to perform a pull-back cut to open up a roof.
Firefighter guiding a cutting firefighter during a roof cut

Firefighter Basics: Flat Roof Ventilation, Part 2

Mark van der Feyst examines two ways firefighters can ventilate a flat roof: the coffin cut and the square cut.