Baltimore Fire Dillon Rinaldo

Funeral for Fallen Baltimore (MD) Fire Captain

Fallen Baltimore (MD) Fire Captain Dillon J. Rinaldo was laid to rest Friday in a funeral service at Cathedral of Mary Our Queen.
Baltimore Firefighter Funeral Rodney Pitts III

Funeral for Fallen Baltimore (MD) Firefighter

A funeral is being held Friday for fallen Baltimore City (MD) Firefighter Rodney Pitts III, who was killed in a fire that also killed Fire Lieutenant Dillon Rinaldo.
Baltimore Firefighter Rodney Pitts

LODD: One Firefighter Dead, Four Injured in Baltimore Fire

Firefighter Rodney Pitts died after a fire in the 5200 block of Linden Heights Avenue that left several other firefighters injured.

Wind Expected as Cause of MD Vacant Building Collapse

No injuries were reported after a vacant building in the Upton neighborhood of west Baltimore collapsed Tuesday night.
Baltimore firefight4r LODDs 1955

Six Firemen Killed When Wall Collapses at Baltimore Fire

Six Baltimore firemen, including a battalion chief, met death during a nine-alarm fire on Wednesday, February 16, 1955, that burned out two adjoining buildings.