Firefighter accountability tags

Incident Command and Accountability on the Volunteer Fireground

How does a volunteer fire department that struggles with staffing an incident dedicate personnel to incident command and accountability?
Firefighters and accountability

The Success of a Good Accountability System

Alain Rancourt recounts a firefighter Mayday incident that underscores the importance of having an accountability system and training on it.
Baltimore City battalion technician position

Baltimore City (MD) Fire Department Adds New Position for Incident Management

The Baltimore City (MD) Fire Department has added a new position to its fireground management structure.
Larry Conley

Podcast: The Larry Conley Show: Rick Lasky

Larry Conley and company discuss leadership and accountability with Rick Lasky.

Fire Blog Roundup: Blame, Accountability, and Fast Water

Review some recent posts from featured contributors on the Fire Engineering Training Community site, including Adam Hansen on blame in the fire service, Ron Kanterman on this year's NFFF Memorial program, and more.

Humpday Hangout: Air Management and Crew Accountability

In this week's Humpday Hangout, Mike Gagliano of Seattle (WA) Fire Department joins Bill Gustin, Mike Dugan, and the rest of the crew as they discuss the measures their departments have taken to maintain accountability and keep personnel from running out of air in large commercial buildings.

Improve On-Scene Accountability and Tracking with TaskForceTracker

We've seen huge advancements in technology throughout our lives, especially in the past few years. It seems that everywhere you look, a new gadget is coming out to solve a problem you didn’t know you had or to make everyday life a bit easier.