Fire Engineering includes features and columns on topics ranging from incident reports/fieldwork (with the emphasis on lessons learned) to using tools and equipment, health and safety, technical rescue, management, training techniques, wildland urban interface, rapid intervention, and others.

Regular rotating columns include Volunteers Corner, Training Notebook, Wildland Urban Interface, The Rescue Company, The Engine Company, The Truck Company, Fire Prevention Bureau, Apparatus: The Shops, fire EMS, Fire Service Court, Speaking of Safety, Technology Today, and Innovations: Homegrown.

Each month, a selection of articles will focus on a theme. Themes include Training/Instructor Development, Engine Company Operations, Technical Rescue, Fire Protection, EMS, Truck Company Operations, Apparatus, Fire Technology, Firefighter Safety and Health, Officer Development, and Leadership and Management.

Include complete contact information (name, address, cell number, e-mail).

We accept only material submitted exclusively to Fire Engineering. Do not submit it to ANY other online or printed magazine if you want it to be considered for publication.

Send us the text in a Word document by e-mail. Include a short (three- to five-line) bio of yourself (rank, department, city, state, education, etc.) and any photos in jpeg format (300 DPI resolution minimum) in the same e-mail. 

The length depends on the topic—cover everything about the topic in depth, don’t worry about it being too long–but articles should be at least 2,000 words.

You must cite all sources that are not your own. Include footnotes at the end of the article, numbered in accordance with their order in the copy, Also number them in the copy. Provide complete citation: author/title/year/publisher (city, state: name). If a magazine article: author, title, publication, date, issue, page numbers.

Number each photo in chronological order as it is to appear in the copy. Indicate its position in the copy. Include a caption and photo credit with the same photo number.

Provide the name and e-mail of each photographer. Do not pull photos off the Web. You do not have permission to use them, and they appear to be of higher resolution than they actually are.

Please submit tables in Word format. Indicate the source. If it is a copyrighted source, please include written permission for us to publish it. For illustrations, include the source and written permission for us to publish it. Again, do not take off the Web.

If your article is accepted, you will be asked to provide a video for inclusion in the digital version. Format: Mp4 format is fine. You can shoot it on your phone (vertical, please). It should be no longer than four minutes and no larger than 100MB.


You will be notified when your copy/photos have been received. You will also be notified of any tech reviewer’s comments and acceptance or rejection.  


You must sign over the copyright of your article to us or we cannot publish your work. (You will be sent a copyright release form to sign at the time the article is edited for publication.) There are no exceptions.


We compensate authors and photographers for their work upon publication and after we receive signed copyright forms and completed W9s. They also receive three copies of the magazine in which their work appears after the issue is published.

Other submissions

We also welcome the following:

  • Comments in the form of Letters to the Editor.
  • Submissions for Coming Events at least three months in advance.
  • Information about recent promotions, awards, or other significant accomplishments of prominent fire service members for Names in the News.
  • Submissions for Apparatus Deliveries. Include a color photo, a list of the apparatus’ important features, the name of the photographer, and a contact person.

CLICK HERE to submit.


Fire Engineering appreciates your photo submissions. They are an important tool in our mission to educate firefighters and EMS personnel. We are excited to have you as one member in our “army” of photographers. We strive to recruit photographers from every corner of the United States and other countries. We always welcome and encourage new photographers to join our ranks.

Please consider the following with respect to photo submissions:

  • Most importantSubmitted photos must be exclusive. The same photos that you submit to Fire Engineering should not be submitted anywhere else.
  • Most importantCover photo submissions usually must be vertical shots. Horizontal shots blown up to cover height might lose half of the action in the photo.
  • We usually do not use “drill photos” on the cover–photos taken at training exercises.
  • Please DO NOT send links to Web sites; we do not accept links as a form of submission.
  • We request that ALL submissions be sent via e-mail as jpeg attachments when possible.
  • Please send originals only.


  • Image Resolution: 300 DPI (dots per inch)
  • Preferred Image Size: 1080 x 720
  • Preferred File Format: JPEG
  • Incident Information: Include your complete contact information (name, address, cell number, e-mail) and a description of the incident.
  • Photo Information: Each photo should include a complete descriptive caption that coincides with the photo’s filename.
  • CLICK HERE to submit.

After your submission is sent:

  • Please be patient; we have a small staff, and a careful review takes time.
  • If your photo is selected, we will need it in high resolution.
  • We pay $300 for a cover photo, less for an interior shot.


We are always looking for new contributors for the Fire Engineering Web site.

Our exclusive Web Features tend to be training or tactical pieces that have gone through the standard Fire Engineering submissions review process (see above).

Our featured contributors are selected from among the writers on the Fire Engineering Training Community ( If you have a specific viewpoint, commentary, or training tip you’d like to share, you can start immediately–simply sign up, create a profile, and add a blog post. We may feature your writing on our homepage, our e-Newsletter, and our social media.

CLICK HERE to submit.

Thank you for considering FireEngineering, training the fire service since 1877.