The Seven Keys to Success, the Yoga Way!

By Claire Diab and Dennis Boyle

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success is a beautiful book written by Deepak Chopra, world renowned author and physician. I have been teaching these principles and using this book at Seton Hall University for the past 15 years and have developed The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga Teacher Training with Drs. Deepak Chopra and David Simon at The Chopra Center for Well Being in San Diego, CA. I train people from all around the world how to teach these principles on and off the yoga mat.

Living and incorporating these principles have transformed my life–in the way I look, how I feel, and how I live each day. Living these principles will lead you to a life of true success, a life of beautiful evolution, spiritual growth, and transformation. Success is journey not a destination. Success is the continued expansion of worthy goals, having physical, mental, and emotional health, happiness, peace of mind, healthy relationships, freedom, and creativity. The next seven articles including this one will talk about each one of these principles and how to apply them into your daily life. 


The Seven Principles are:

1.  The Law of Pure Potentiality, Understanding our Spiritual Essence

2. Giving and Receiving

3. Karma or Cause and Effect, Choosing the most nourishing choices for yourself and those around you

4. The Principle of Least Effort, The Principle of Allowing

5. Intention and Desire, Manifesting your deepest intentions and desires under grace and perfect ways

6.  Detachment, The Principle of Freedom

7. The Law of Dharma, Becoming aware of your purpose in life and honoring your unique expression in all that you do


So let’s begin with the first principle, the Law of Pure Potentiality.

The Law of Pure Potentiality is about understanding our spiritual essence. We practice the Law of Pure Potentiality by quieting the mind and being present either through mantra meditation or breathe awareness.  We have a deeper connection of spirit when we let go of judgments of people, places, or things–including ourselves. Spending time in nature also awakens us to our spiritual essence. Connecting with nature’s intelligence awakens us to the Divine presence that is everywhere and which shines through our eyes. Each day, take time to be in nature, whether you take a walk around the block, on the beach, through a forest, or in a city park.  Just take time to be, whether it is a relaxing bubble bath, gazing at a sunset, or relaxing on your couch. No TV, no books–just take time to be silent each day. This will allow you to connect with your beautiful spirit, which is loving, kind, compassionate, and lighthearted.


Practice these applications for the next two weeks:

1. Meditate each say morning and night (see below).

2. Practice nonjudgment.

3. Spend time in nature.

4. Take time to be silent each day.


How to Meditate using So Hum Meditation:

1. Sit comfortably where you will not be disturbed, and softly close your eyes.

2. For a few minutes, simply observe the inflow and outflow of your breath.

3. Now, take a slow deep breath through the nose while thinking the word So.

4. Exhale slowly through the nose while thinking the word HUM.

5. Allow your breathing to flow easily, silently repeating, So… Hum… with each inflow and outflow of breath.

6. Whenever your attention drifts to thoughts in your mind, sounds in your environment, or sensations in your body, gently return to your breath, silently repeating, So… Hum.

7. Continue this process for 15 or 30 minutes, with an attitude of effortlessness and simplicity.

8. When the time is up, sit with your eyes closed for a couple of minutes before resuming your daily activity.


Claire Diab is an internationally recognized Yoga therapist. She is the director of the Yoga Program for the Chopra Center founded by Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. David Simon. She is an adjunct professor of Asian Studies at Seton Hall University. She is the author of several books and DVDs on Yoga including “Yoga For Firefighters.”


Dennis Boyle is a retired fire director and acting chief with the West Orange (NJ) Fire Department. He was the recipient of the 1999 New Jersey Deputy Fire Chiefs “Fire Officer of the Year” award.



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