A fire fighter’s turnout gear is his first line of defense against injury. Providing a lighter, more protective integrated “system” is the aim of this federally funded project.

The bib-type bunker trousers have extra padding at the knee for impact protection and pockets at mid-thigh

by Lt. Cary Auffart.

The 1981 annual death and injury survey compiled by the International Association of Fire Fighters indicates that the highest number of injuries to fire fighters are cuts, bruises, strains and sprains. Following these are burns, inhalation of hazardous chemicals, fractures and heat exhaustion. Approximately 100,000 U S fire fighters are injured each year in the line of duty; approximately 175 fire fighters die.

Every day, industry makes new advances which increase fire fighting hazards. Vet, in an age of high technology, the fire fighter’s first defense against injury and death, his turnout gear, is vastly outdated Why?

One major reason is that previously little or no communication existed between the fire service and manufacturers of fire equipment and clothing. Items manufactured with new materials seldom coordinated with other segments of the outfit; and the historic conservatism of the fire service contributed to keeping turnout gear unchanged year after year

In 1976, a joint effort by the U S. Fire Administration and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration started Project F. I. R. E. S., which stands for Firefighters Integrated Response Equipment System. Funded by the federal government, the project s goal is to design, fabricate, field-test and evaluate a total personal protective system for fire fighters using available technology. Aware of the necessity for teamwork, USFA and NASA contracted with Grumman Aerospace Corporation s Advanced Technology Division, which acquired integration expertise during the Apollo program. Also established was a User Requirement Committee (URC). whose members were recommended by leaders in the fire service community.

Project F. I. R. E. S. consists of the following phases of development: Phase 1A and Phase IB, which were completed in September 1982, involved the evaluation of fire fighters’ present turnout gear, and the design and testing of more protective clothing; Phase 2, still in progress, calls for field-testing the improved gear.

During Phase 1A, current personal protective gear was evaluated and tested both to identify the weak areas and to determine which items could be retained in the proposed system.

The Protective Ensemble Performance Standards (PEPS) were established as the guidelines for future testing. These standards were taken from actual fire fighting conditions. For example, fire fighters wanted a helmet that could withstand the impact of a brick falling four stories without cracking or causing damage to the wearer. PEPS also takes into consideration that fire fighters are human and must be able to move freely, have manual dexterity and withstand severe exterior heat and cold conditions. In the final design, realistic trade-offs were made to allow for the human factor. But the final specifications were equal to or exceeded present standards.

Utilizing PEPS, the team designed a prototype of the ideal integrated response equipment system regardless of cost or availability of materials. Next, they drafted an improved system which could be made available in the near future and marketed at a cost no higher than 25 percent of existing equipment. Each item worked in conjunction with the others. They were generically labeled as head/ear, face/eye, torso/limbs, hand/wrist and foot/ankle subsystems. Manufacturers then fabricated a limited number of the paper prototypes.

There are two different models for the torso/limbs subsystem. One is a waistlength jacket over bib-type bunker trousers fabricated of either a 50/50 blend of Kevlar/Nomex or a new fire-resistant material called Polybenzimidozale (PBI). The other is a three-quarter-length coat over regular bunker trousers made of the 50/50 Kevlar/Nomex blend.

Both types of torso/limbs subsystems have a vapor barrier of Gore-Tex bonded to Nomex pajama-check material. The Gore-Tex allows air and perspiration through but prevents outside water from saturating the fire fighter. There is also a layer of quilted Nomex for further protection. The bunker trousers have extra padding at the knees for impact protection and pockets at mid-thigh. Velcro-fastened loops on the front of the jacket hold the radio and flashlight.

A wristlet extending from the sleeve of the jacket, also made of the 50/50 Kevlar/Nomex blend, comprises one part of the hand/wrist subsystem. It protects the wrist and hand area against damage by heat, cuts and punctures with the added benefit of preventing water and debris from entering the sleeve. A glove of knit Kevlar with a leather palm completes this subsystem. Although not waterproof, this gloves meets most PEPS without hindering movement.

Attached by Velcro to the stand-up collar of the jacket is a Nomex hood. This protects the neck area from heat and flames and, like the wristlet, keeps water and debris from entering the jacket. The second part of the head/ear subsystem is the face/eye subsystem, a full faceshield of high temperature resistant thermoplastic. Finally, the foot/ankle subsystem is a lightweight molded polyurethane boot with steel toe cap and midsole. At a weight of 3.4 pounds versus the current boot weight of 10.6 pounds, it offers considerable relief to the fire fighter while still meeting PEPS. It is designed to attach to the bunker trouser for added protection from water.

A molded polyurethane boot with steel toe cap and midsole weighs 3.4 pounds, 7.2 pounds lighter than the conventional boot. It is designed to attach to the bunker trouser for added protection from water.

Under Phase 1B, these prototypes then underwent a battery of tests. Testing of the individual components took place at either Grumman Aerospace or at the manufacturer’s laboratory with a Grumman representative in attendance. Using the PEF*S categories and required testing methods, these tests ensured protection against cuts, electrical shocks, flames and freezing temperatures. They also covered the human factors of weight, fit, water penetration, donning/doffing, reliability and maintainability.

Skin temperature and flammability requirements tested consistent for all subsystems. Heat conduction tests proved the Project F I R E S, gear kept the inside skin temperature below the 113 degree standard which is the pain threshhold. At the other end of the spectrum, a skin temperature of no less than 59 degrees was the standard for cold insulation. The flammability test was conducted by applying a Bunsen burner flame of 1200 degrees at a 45-degree angle against all materials. In every case, the subsystems passed.

Grumman used volunteers to test mobility, dryability and the time required to don/doff the subsystems. The mobility tests used comparisons between energy expended in street clothes and energy expended in the Project F I R E S, components while doing the same exercises. In no instance was the energy penalty more than 10 percent, which is far less than the 21 percent allowed. Again, the subsystems passed all tests.

Once Grumman computed the individual tests, complete ensemble testing took place at the fire academy of the New York Fire Department and Stanford Research Institute in Camp Parks, Colo.

Under simulated fireground conditions, New York City fire fighters tested the ensemble for water penetration, compatibility and cold insulation. Two fire fighters wearing the two protective clothing designs stood under a discharging sprinkler system for 10 minutes to test water penetration. During this period, the men simulated fire fighting motions. This was repeated using a fog nozzle directed at the men. After completion, they opened their coats and both were dry inside.

The compatibility test included a new 4500-psi breathing apparatus. After 10 minutes of simulated fire fighting activity in a smokehouse, the men stated that they were comfortable. They had also been able to move freely.

During both the water penetration and compatibility testing, the ambient temperature was 19 degrees with a wind chill factor of less than — 25 degrees. After an hour, the men remained warm and comfortable.

Both torso/limbs subsystem models have a vapor barrier of Gore-Tex bonded to Nomex pajama-check material which is resistant to outside water but allows air and perspiration to escape. Velcro fastened loops on the front of the jacket hold the radio and flashlight. The PBI ensemble with boots and gloves is shown.

At the Stanford Research Institute, a detailed test was conducted to determine and compare the thermal protection with the prototype current gear.

Three different ensembles were used incorporating all of the design differences and materials. These were mounted on a fiberglass mannequin dressed in a tee shirt, boxer shorts, a long-sleeved cotton shirt and pants. Under all the clothing, thermocouples were placed in strategic locations to measure skin temperature.

When the 10 X 10 X B-foot room reached the Class 4 temperature of 1500 degrees, the mannequin was moved into the room for a 10-second period. This was repeated for each of the three ensembles. Then, the same steps were taken increasing the exposure time to five minutes and decreasing the temperature to 482 degrees for Class 3. At Class 2, the temperature lowered to 203 degrees and exposure time increased to 15 minutes.

Visual results of the Class 4 testing were dramatic. The current gear of Nomex burst into flames immediately and after 10 seconds was charred and shriveled. The cotton shirt and pants were also charred. In some places, the underwear had been burned through. The 50/50 Kevlar and Nomex prototype also burst into flames. There was, however, less damage to the clothing underneath. On the PBI prototype, only the reflective trim burned. After the 10-second exposure, the coat was singed but the clothing underneath remained untouched.

This proved that Project F.I.R.E.S. will provide a higher level of protection to the fire fighter entering a burning building. However, one manufactuer felt this increased protection could be detrimental to fire fighters. “We’ve seen the remnants of coats coming in here burnt to a crisp but the guys didn’t get hurt. That’s going into too hot a fire. The more insulation you give a fire fighter, the hotter the fire he’s going to go into. Years ago, when a fire fighter’s ears burned, he got the hell out

Manufacturing problems

Bids were accepted from manufacturers to provide the systems for field-testing. Cairns & Brother fabricated the head/ear, face/eye, and foot/ankle subsystems. The torso/limbs system was made by the Body-Guard Division of Lion Uniform, and Richmond Glove supplied the hand/wrist subsystem.

Several problems occurred early in the manufacturing phase. The helmet weighed more than anticipated due to the use of an inexpensive temporary mold that could not withstand high molding pressures PBI yardage necessary was not available, so the total number of units comprised of that fabric was reduced.

Initially, specifications included a latexdipped glove as an alternative to the Kevlar knit. However, the glove manufacturer used an experimental process and wanted to keep the technique proprietary. Since the manufacturer was not awarded the contract for the Phase 2 systems, the latex-dipped glove was eliminated from field-testing.

Uniroyal, the original manufacturer of the foot/ankle subsystem, went out of the footwear business. The new manufacturer, Cairns & Brother, contracted with J.P. Stevens to provide the boots. But high fabrication costs resulted in an inadequate number of boots to be tested.

Field-testing revealed additional problems, many of which needed to be corrected before testing could continue The helmet liners separated from the helmet. A retrofit helmet was designed and sent to the test sites where fire fighters installed them

The torso/limbs subsystem contained faulty zippers which had to be replaced at the factory.

The bib-type bunker trousers were sized improperly so the maufacturer added gussets.

Restricted arm movements necessitated enlarging the thumb holes and lengthening the wristlets of the hand/wrist subsystem. Some of the wristlets were misaligned and the fire fighters cut new holes for their thumbs. The cuff on the glove stretched, and had to be changed to a four-layer knit instead of two-layer.

The hoods presented another sizing problem. Head movement was limited and the hoods separated from the jackets. The manufacturer increased the length since all the hoods were one size too small.

All testing sites used their own boots in conjunction with the ensemble. Along with the shortage of supplied foot/ankle subsystems, those provided were extremely difficult to put on and remove. A decision was made not to revise manufacturing since it would delay fieldtesting.

A Nomex hood is attached to the jacket’s stand-up collar. The hood fits under the helmet for protection of the neck and ear area.

Once Phase 1B testing was complete, the next step was to initiate Phase 2 fieldtesting. Cities where field-testing is taking place were selected based on various factors such as population, climate, number of runs, etc. Out of numerous applications, 14 were chosen to participate and included cities with volunteer and paid departments. They were Alexandria, Va.; Boston; Bloomington, Minn.; and Casper, Wyo. The list also includes Cincinnati; Dallas; Flowing Wells, Ariz.; Los Angeles; and Madison. Wis., as well as New York City; Oklahoma City; Pine Bluffs, Ark.; Seattle; and Seminole, Fla.

Field-test supervisors in each city completed weekly evaluation reports which Grumman compiled and evaluated. To date, several universal complaints rose. The jacket and trousers were hot when worn over street or station clothing. Those cities unaccustomed to regular use of bunker trousers had problems adjusting not just to the ensemble but also to the trousers themselves. The bib-type trousers cut into the crotch area causing discomfort. Fastened only by snaps, the liner either came loose or bunched up around the fire fighter’s hips. Knee pads failed to cover the knee area and several fire departments involved wanted larger pockets.

A study of these complaints resulted in a list of suggested changes. A new method of adjusting and securing the bib-type trouser and stronger zippers were needed. The Gore-Tex liner could possible be limited to the starting point of the jacket to cut down on the heat factor. A summer station uniform of walking shorts and short sleeve shirts could be considered for hot, humid weather. Improved methods of attaching the hood to the collar should be devised to allow freer movement of the head.

Some problems remain to be solved. The most crucial being that of the foot/ ankle subsystem. One revision necessary is a means of permanently attaching the liner. A quick way to adjust the helmet to fit three different sizes — without the hood, using the hood, over the hood and selfcontained breathing apparatus —could also be necessary.

Pending results

Last january, it was determined that decisions on design modifications will be made this spring, and that field-testing will be continued for another two years under the direction of the International Association of Fire Fighters.

Will fire fighters nationwide ever wear the result of Project F.I.R.E.S? Although manufacturers and field-test supervisors doubt that one system could be devised to satisfy the needs of every fire department, they do agree that many of the ideas learned through this project will provide better protection. Already, some manufacturers have incorporated the wristlet into their currently produced turnout gear. But Richard Duffy of the IAFF stated emphatically that “the URC agrees that presently there is no such thing as a Project F.I.R.E.S. suit. Any advertising using the Project F.I.R.E.S. name is a sham.” Only further testing will tell if the ideal integrated response equipment system is an unattainable dream or a reality.

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