Humble Pie

By Frank E. Vaerewijck, The Firehouse Foodie

New Year’s is just days away. Many will mark the occasion by being more grateful, nice, or giving. Some will make a commitment to turn over a new leaf, or at least a different leaf, and miraculously change into a different person as quick as the date changes on their smartphone and yet again will inevitably fail. The efforts will last a day or two as they always do, but old habits are hard to break, and what’s comfortable works. Fear not, all is not lost, change can happen; just go at it the way you eat an elephant, one bite at a time.

A wary old gentleman walked into the bustling firehouse. A young, energetic firefighter approached and in a very boisterous tone said to him, “How we doing today, Old-Timer? What can I do for you?” to which the older gentleman replied, “Well, I’d just like to look around. Take it all in, if you will.” The young firefighter, full of zeal, sprang into action and started giving a detailed tour, explaining this and that. What was going on here and there, as if his words carried the weight of the world. Well into his presentation, the old man sat down on a nearby bench and said, “Young man. Say, young man. Would you care to sit a spell and take a rest?” The young energetic firefighter quietly sat next to him. “You know, long before you were even thought of, I walked through those doors, right there. I was young and energetic, much like yourself, and bygone it, I was going to tackle the world,” he said, laughing a little toward the end of his statement. “My bones were strong; my muscles bigger; and, to tell you the truth, I was a bit taller; but the years have taken a toll.” He went on to recall many that had passed on, and some who were still kicking. He told war stories of fires that were hard to believe, and before he knew it, his audience had grown, and grown, and grown, to the point that everyone assigned to the house was right there on the front pad, just mesmerized by every word this old man preached.

Then just as quietly as he started, he turned to the young energetic firefighter and said, “Son, what I learned the most in my storied career was to listen. When I walked in here, you asked me what I needed, and then you went on talking. I’m not sure you took a breath the whole time.” A chuckle emanated from the audience. He continued, “Be respectful. Use your manners, and always treat everyone as if they were related to you. You are building relationships, and what matters most at the end of the day are the people in our lives and kindness. Kindness matters. Fear is an illusion. It is false evidence appearing real, so don’t let fear stop you from doing anything. Failure is good. Failure is the real evidence that we’ve had the courage to try.  But the biggest, most important thing that I learned during my 30-plus years on the job was to be humble. Do good because it feels good, right here in the heart, not here in the brain where pride lives. Don’t take credit, but give credit, and forget ‘I,’ Son. You are in the fire service. It’s ‘WE!’ ” Slowly he stood and addressed the young firefighter one last time: “You won’t change your behaviors at the drop of a dime, but in time, if you’re conscious of your actions, you can change the same way you eat an elephant, one bite at a time. After eating some humble pie, you’ll be one hell of a fireman!” Everyone stood in silence as the old man meandered down the street out of sight, but his words lingered, as if he had never left.

We can learn a lot from the ones who came before us–lessons that help us in all facets of our lives. Just be willing to listen and, most of all, eat the humble pie. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and have a Happy, Safe New Year. “That’s Bringing the Firehouse Home!”

In the story, Humble Pie was used as an accolade to humility, but did you know there really is such a thing as Humble Pie?  The phrase has been traced back to medieval times, where the term meant that one was eating a dish made of the scrap meat from a successful hunt or slaughter.  The master of the house might get a fine roast; the servants would feast on what was left. Derived from a Middle French word “nomble,” which referred to the scrap meat, they made “a nomble pie,” which could, and apparently was, easily mistaken for “an ‘umble pie.” They were noted as being thankful to have such a feast and, in due time, umble pie became Humble Pie, thankfulness and all.




3 Standard Pie Crusts



3 lbs. (1.5 kg) ground beef, 20% or greater fat content

5 green apples, peeled, cored, and sliced thin

1/2 c (125 ml) fresh spinach, rinsed

Head of romaine lettuce, shredded

6 c (225 ml) plain breadcrumbs

1 1/2 lbs. (250 g) raisins or dried currants

1/2 cup (125 ml) apricot preserves

1 Tbsp. (15 ml) parsley

1 tsp. (5 ml) thyme

1 tsp. (5 ml) mace, ground

1 tsp. (5 ml) nutmeg, grated

2 tsp. (10 ml) cinnamon, ground

3 egg yolks

2 Tbsp. (30 ml) cream sherry

4 tsp. (20 ml) orange blossom water



1 cup (225 ml) cream sherry

1 cup (225 ml) white table wine

1 Tbsp. (15 ml) balsamic vinegar

1/4 cup (60 ml) sugar

2 eggs



  1. Preheat oven to 425°F (220°C).
  2. Blend together all pie ingredients with your hands.
  3. Line a large casserole dish with the pie crust, covering all parts of the dish, and then place the meat mixture into it. Roll out the remaining pie crust to use as a lid and cut decorative vent holes into it.
  4. Bake for 10 minutes, then reduce heat to 350°F (175°C) and bake for another hour and a half.

While the pie bakes, prepare the caudle.


  1. Whisk together all ingredients but the eggs in a saucepan.
  2. Bring mixture to a boil and remove from heat.
  3. In a glass bowl or measuring cup, beat the 2 eggs until frothy.
  4. Whisking constantly, slowly adding about half of the hot wine to the egg mixture until well-blended, and then slowly pour the egg mixture back into the remaining hot wine, continuing to whisk constantly.
  5. When you remove the pie from the oven, either pour the caudle through the vent holes and tilt it to spread it or remove the top crust entirely and pour the caudle over it.  Serve hot and enjoy eating your Humble Pie!!


Frank E. Vaerewijck has had a passion for the fire service that has spanned 20 years. He has been a volunteer and career firefighter and is currently a firefighter/EMT with Smithfield Volunteer Fire Department (yes, where the bacon comes from, THAT Smithfield). He has passed on his passion for the fire service through instruction and mentorship. That same passion he has for the fire service is shared with his love of food. In 2006, Vaerewyck won an Iron Chef-style competition sponsored by a radio station in Richmond, Virginia. That is where he also furthered his education by attending a Culinary Arts Program. As the Firehouse Foodie, he has been compiling recipes to be included in a cookbook that will give others the opportunity to see their hometown heroes not just as firefighters but as the firehouse chefs they truly are.

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