Archive of Week 1 Events at WTC/Pentagon

What follows is an archive of events during the first week of the WTC/Pentagon disasters. For a look a the second week, click here. For a look at the third week, return to our Diaster Coverage.

September 14, 2001

September 13, 2001

September 12, 2001

September 11, 2001

September 14, 2001

4:42 PM–President Bush is now addressing the myriad rescue workers gathered at the WTC site. Amid chants of “U-S-A” the president is speaking via bullhorn, assuring that the nation sends its love to these rescuers, and he thanks them for making this nation proud. Chants of “U-S-A” continue as the President departs, and as he has after just about every speech he has given since the disaster, the President ends his brief address to the teams of rescuers with, “God Bless America.”

4:14 PM–President Bush is in New York City touring the site of Tuesday’s carnage. He is accompanied by the Governor Pataki and Mayor Giuliani and a group of Congressional leaders.

Secretary Mineta Re-opens Skies to General Aviation

Secretary of Transportation Norman Y. Mineta has approved restoration of the next phase of national air service, allowing certain general aviation flights back into the air effective at 4:00 p.m. Eastern time today.

“Effective today, general aviation – that important segment of aviation consisting of privately owned and operated aircraft – will be allowed to resume flights operating under Instrument Flight Rules, or IFR,” Secretary Mineta said. “Under IFR, certified pilots operate under direction from air traffic controllers, after filing specific flight plans with the FAA.”

Temporarily, however, general aviation flights will not be allowed to fly within 25 nautical miles of New York City and Washington, D.C. Those restrictions will be kept in place until further notice as officials continue to assess the recovery situation in those cities over the near term.

The Secretary’s decision today also permits the FAA to allow private aircraft owners to evacuate their aircraft under visual flight rules from harm’s way during the predicted approach of Tropical Storm Gabrielle within the states of Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and Alabama.

Secretary Mineta said he is hopeful that the remaining general aviation flights, those operating under Visual Flight Rules, can resume flying later this weekend. Commercial flights were allowed to resume on Thursday, contingent upon airline and airport compliance with heightened security standards established by the Federal Aviation Administration.

“We are restoring the national airspace system in a phased manner, after careful evaluation of the safety and security issues in each sector,” the Secretary said. “Again, I ask the patience of the flying public. Please remember that we are recovering from a massive disruption and widespread shock. But very soon we will work our way back to full recovery.”

There are more than 200,000 privately owned and operated aircraft registered in the United States.

Support for Fallen Heroes of Our National Tragedy

The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation expresses our heartfelt sympathy to all the families and coworkers of our fallen and injured brothers and sisters who so valiantly responded during our national tragedies. The Foundation pledges that these heroes will never be forgotten nor will their families.

We are working with FEMA and USFA to ensure that all necessary support systems are in place so that we can best meet the needs of the fire service family.

Here are some of the things you can do:

The Foundation has been in touch with FDNY survivors, NY State fire officials, representatives of chaplains groups, and families of fallen firefighters from across the country. They have advised that we can best offer support by assisting the Fire Department of New York in channeling messages to the survivors and offers of donations and assistance.

We have offered to be a central point over the next few days for accepting messages of condolence for the families of our fallen and injured heroes. We will ensure that all of these messages are delivered to the families at an appropriate time. You can send these messages to by fax, email or regular mail to:

FDNY Families

C/o National Fallen Firefighters Foundation

PO Drawer 498

Emmitsburg, MD 21727


Fax: (301)447-1645

The Foundation also has an on-line Memory Wall for posting messages at

We join with the Concerns of Police Survivors in asking all public safety personnel and the general public to wear red, white and blue ribbons in remembrance of our fallen fire and law enforcement personnel and the other victims. You may also show your support by attaching a red, white and blue ribbon to your vehicle.

Each year during the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service, families and coworkers leave personal messages on a Remembering banner. We encourage local departments and communities to do similar banners and send them to the Foundation for display at the National Fire Academy and to FDNY.

The President has issued a proclamation lowering all American flags throughout the country to half staff until sunset, September 16. The proclamation is on-line at

Statement by National Volunteer Fire Council Chairman Philip C. Stittleburg regarding the terrorist attacks in New York and Arlington, Virginia

“As rescue personnel continue their work in New York and Arlington County, Virginia, our prayers are not only with our brothers and sisters in the emergency services, but also with all of the victims of this abominable act of terror and their families.

The NVFC offers its full support for the career and volunteer firefighters and EMS personnel from across this great country that are currently at these disaster scenes searching for survivors and caring for the injured.”

IAFF Establishes Charity Fund

In the wake of Tuesday’s tragedy, the IAFF is preparing to send financial assistance to the families of all fallen fire fighters and to coordinate efforts to assist fire and EMS personnel on the scene in New York City.

Contributions are tax deductible. Those wishing to send donations should send checks payable to “The New York Fire 9-11 Relief Fund” to: IAFF General Secretary-Treasurer’s Office Attn: New York Fire 9-11 Relief Fund, 1750 New York Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. 20006-5395.

Message from Australian Assembly of Volunteer Fire Brigade Associations

Fellow firefighters,

On behalf of the volunteer firefighters of Australia and New Zealand we extend our condolences to our fellow firefighters in New York City.

At this time our television stations are reporting that as many as 300 firefighters may have lost their lives in this act of infamy.

Our prayers are with you all and the families of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty.

We opened our recent annual conference in Christchurch, New Zealand with the following prayer. It has even greater meaning at this time.

When I am called to duty, God,
Whenever flames may rage
Give me strength to save some life,
Whatever be its age,
Help me embrace a little child before it is too late
Or save an older person from the horror of that fate.
Enable me to be alert and hear the weakest shout
And quickly and efficiently to put the fire out.
I want to fill my calling and to give the best in me;
To guard my every neighbour and protect his property
And if according to your will
I have to lose my life,
Please bless with your protecting hands
My children and my wife.

God bless you all and God bless America,
Cam. Stafford, President, and Ian Bennett, Secretary

Australian Assembly of Volunteer Fire Brigade Associations

NYC Mayor Guiliani Warns of Dangers of Inaccurate, Unconfirmed Reports

New York City Mayor Rudy Guiliani, during his morning media briefing session, said that disseminating unconfirmed stories can raise false hopes for family members and friends of victims, lead to decisions that can endanger lives of rescuers engaged in the search operations, and heighten the fears of the public.

He specifically discredited the reports of the rescue of five firefighters lost in the initial collapses of the twin towers, and rescuers’ hearing tapping sounds from within the WTC ruins. A spokesman for the FBI also denied that evidence uncovered last night in connection with the reclosing of local airports revealed that there was a planned “second wave of terrorism.” In fact, the detained individuals were not found to be involved in Tuesday’s events. They were ultimately released.

Disaster Briefs (Gleaned from media sources and communications among fire service members)

“The loss of Ray Downey and apparently scores of Rescue and Squad personnel is devastating…. and years of experience are lost.” Frank Brannigan, author of Building Construction for the Fire Service, Third Edition.” — First Person Account: Members of FDNY Battalion 9 who were on duty on Tuesday are missing and unaccounted for�Firefighters in South Africa have e-mailed that they are offering prayers for our brothers�I can’t begin to tell you all just how incredible and sickening a scene the streets of Lower Manhattan are. Then scene is quite eerie to say the least.

The blocks outside of the operation area are too quiet, and the streets are

littered with paper and debris in a fine powder. The scene itself is almost too overwhelming for words.

I was working on one of the rubble piles today, which used to be WTC-1. The pile sloped upwards and met what would have been the 6th floor. Rebar,

ductwork, concrete, just strewn about. Personal effects: shoes, shirts,

coats, etc. tangled in the wreckage also. Small fires continue to burn in the entire area.

I was on the pile today as other members recovered the remains of a brother from 54 engine. A truly sad site.

You really can’t appreciate the magnitude of the scene until you are there.

Just seeing the mounds and mounds of rubble, the heavily damaged neighboring buildings, crushed and burned fire trucks are enough to bring a person to tears.

The body recovery has not even begun, as we know there are hundreds, if not Thousands, still left under what was once the twin towers. I’m sure today was not my last trip to the scene; we will be working a lot of tours the next few weeks.

(Name Withheld)

Senate Passes $40 Billion Emergency Spending Bill

The Senate has unanimously approved a $40 billion emergency spending bill. The House is ready to do the same. The Senate vote was 96-0.

After voting on the spending bill, the Senate began work on another measure which will autorize the use of foce against those responsible for Tuesday’s attacks. The measure is expected to be approved overwhelmingly.

The $40 billion in aid will be divvied out according to the following criteria:

— $10 billion released immediately to aid recovery and cleanup efforts in New York and Virginia.

— $10 billion to be released after a 15-day waiting period where Congress requires written certification from Bush.

— $20 billion that can be obligated only after the president makes a specific request of Congress.

10,000 Tons of Debris Removed; Rain Slows Progress

New York — Rescuers efforts through the night and into today have been hampered by rain. Debris has become saturated and is heavier now, and during the night rescue efforts were postponed until a thunderstorm passed through the area. Mayor Giuliani has confirmed that 10,000 tons of debris have been removed to date.

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September 13, 2001


The report of five firefighters being pulled from the rubble of the collapsed twin towers was incorrect. In fact, two firefighters were pulled from the rubble after they had been lost in a pocket within the rubble and had been missing for several hours. These firefighters were not part of the original number of firefighters missing after the collapses.

Report: Buildings Evacuated Due to Potential Collapse

Officials have evacuated 1 Liberty Plaza again and also the American Express/Merrill Lynch building. Rescue crews have been pulled back from the rubble of the Twin Towers again. Check back as we report new developments. 3:33–Top of Liberty Plaza has begun to collapse.

Unconfirmed Building Collapse at WTC Site

2:02 PM–CNN has received reports that another buiding has collapsed, or that a collapse is imminent. Police report that they are instructed to leave the area. The American Express/Merrill Lynch building has smoke coming from several floors and that is the building in question. Emergency workers and press agencies have been called away from the area at the moment.

Statement of U.S. Secretary of Transportation Norman Y. Mineta

Secretary of Transportation Norman Y. Mineta has ordered the national airspace system re-opened to commercial aviation, effective at 11 a.m. Eastern time Thursday.

The Secretary’s decision was made after a series of meetings throughout the day and night Wednesday with White House and Cabinet officials, Federal Aviation Administration Administrator Jane Garvey, aviation industry leaders, as well as intelligence and law enforcement representatives.

“The re-opening of our national airspace is good news for travelers, for the airlines and for our economy,” Secretary Mineta said. “But I must caution everyone that a system as diverse and complex as ours cannot be brought back up instantly. We will re-open airports and resume flights on a case-by-case basis, only after they implement our more stringent levels of security. This phased approach will assure the highest levels of safety, which remains our primary goal.

“Anyone planning on flying should check with their airline regarding the level of service and flight schedules, and be sure to allow plenty of time to deal with our new security procedures. There will be some inconveniences, but safety will be the first element of our system to be restored,” the Secretary said.

On Wednesday, Secretary Mineta had approved a limited re-opening of the system, allowing aircraft diverted during Tuesday’s terrorist attacks to continue to their destinations or be repositioned in anticipation of today’s decision.

At the same time, he announced a series of heightened security measures, including a ban on curbside luggage check-in and off-airport passenger check-in. Before being allowed to re-open, airports must clear their terminals of people and conduct thorough searches. Once re-opened, airports will feature an increased presence of law enforcement officers, restricted access beyond the screening area and other restrictions.

Five Firefighters Found Alive

Five firefighters found in an SUV within the World Trade Center rubble. Two firefighters were able to get out on their own; workers got the other three out. This reported from CNN at 1:01 PM. Discovery lends hope that more survivors may be found. Identities of five firefighters not released at this time.

Grim News Continues to Stream in from New York City

New York-New York City Mayor Giuliani has confirmed that 94 bodies have been recovered from the rubble of the Twin Towers. Of those 94, 46 bodies have been identified. Also recovered are 70 parts of bodies. FDNY Fire Commissioner states that this is still considered a rescue effort and not a recovery effort.

FEMA and Federal Efforts Continue One Day After Apparent Terrorist Attacks in New York, Washington, D.C.–

Disaster Declaration For New York Terrorist Attack

Washington, D.C. – Response from the Federal Emergency Management Agency continues at full activation levels in both the Washington headquarters and all 10 regional offices after the apparent terrorist events in New York and Washington, D.C. FEMA Director Joe M. Allbaugh briefed President Bush at the White House and briefed representatives on Capitol Hill. Allbaugh also traveled to New York City with U.S. senators Schumer and Clinton to view the damage firsthand.

“The President and I are gravely concerned about the victims, the brave firefighters and emergency and police personnel who are working so hard under extremely difficult conditions,” Allbaugh said. “I ask all Americans to keep in their hearts and prayers those who have lost loved ones in this horrific event.”

Response activities:

* New York, the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia have declared states of emergency.

* Commercial flights remain grounded. The FAA is reviewing security plans. It has approved flights for emergency supplies.

* Communications in lower New York remain disrupted, although relevant power companies are working to fix the problem. Con Edison has asked FEMA to supply needed generators.

* Debris planning teams are on site in New York and are working with state and local authorities on plans for safe removal of the debris. The twin towers combined add up to about 450,000 tons of debris, plus another 15,000 from the third building that fell. At the Pentagon, the issue is less severe; there are 16,000 tons of debris, some of which can be shored up.

* Efforts are underway to open closed buildings as soon as possible, but with care so that they do not become contaminated with surrounding debris. EPA is working to address potential air quality issues resulting from the release of asbestos within the damaged and destroyed buildings.

* The American Red Cross is supporting some 20,000 stranded travelers at airports in 22 states. The Canadian Red Cross is supporting 15-20,000 stranded travelers.

* More than 1.5 million Americans have donated blood. While the blood supply for victims is adequate, there are some problems with regular blood supply, since the usual routes for transfer by air are closed down.

* Four disaster medical teams have arrived in New York; two are on standby in the Washington area. The USS Comfort, a hospital ship, is moving to New York from Baltimore Harbor.

* The Dept. of State is acting as a clearinghouse for international offers of assistance.

Bracing for a Day of Emotions

As reality sets in and exhaustion increases, World Trade Center rescue workers brace for a trying day of anticipated overwhelming sadness-and anger. Their experience tells them that each passing hour reduces the chances of finding live victims. Their indomitable spirit and disciplined training keep them working feverishly because of hopes that they will find some of their brothers and sisters and other victims of these despicable, senseless acts of violence against innocent people alive.

Rescuers are employing dogs, listening devices, and thermal imaging cameras in their rescue efforts.

Yet, the signs are not good. A triage center set up in anticipation of receiving casualties in need of medical treatment has been converted into a morgue. The city of New York had received the 6,000 body bags it originally ordered from the government. A second order for 5,000 more has been placed.

EMS workers relate a scenario in which amid the 1,000 workers engaged in rescue-recovery operations, there seems to be an orange body bag every 10 feet. They lament that they have nothing to do because the victims being recovered are not alive.

Eyewitnesses describe “Ground Zero” as being dust-covered and foul-smelling and filled with knee-high piles of papers. The WTC ruins are still releasing smoke.

Mayor Guiliani says some 300-plus firefighters are missing. More than 3,500 civilians have been confirmed missing.

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September 12, 2001

Giuliani Reconfirms Number of Dead

CNN reports that New York City Mayor Giuliani has confirmed that the number of dead is now at 80.

Death Toll Rises in NYC; Secondary Collapse of South Tower

UPDATE: 10:38 PM–1 Liberty Plaza has been deemed safe and the triage center that had been evacuated from it is now stationed there again.

Fox News reports that there are now 55 confirmed dead in New York City.

Also, on September 12, the four remaining floors of the South Tower collpased, sending rescue crews and news agencies away from the area. At least two other buildings are feared to be on the verge of collapse. As of 9:19 PM, rescue teams were back in the midst of their search for survivors.

Conflicting Reports about What Buildings are Near Collapse

UPDATE: 1010 AM in New York City reports that there was a secondary collapse of the South Tower, and that Bldg. 5 is in danger of collapse. Also, reports indicate that 1 Liberty Plaza is in danger of collapse. CNN reports a partial collapse of 1 Liberty Plaza. All rescue personnel and news agencies have been relocated in the city.

UPDATE: There are conflicting reports as to which building is on the verge of collapse. The Millennium Building is said to be buckling, and a 40-story building near 1 Liberty Plaza is said to be near collapse.

CNN is reporting at 5:26 PM that another building is near collapse. The building is 1 Liberty Plaza and officials are right now moving all officials away from the area. CNN reports the building is on the verge of collapse. Rescue workers are among officials being moved away from the area to safety.

FEMA Continues To Respond To Apparent Terrorist Attacks In New York, Washington, D.C.–Disaster Declaration For New York Terrorist Attack

Washington, D.C., September 12, 2001 — The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) continues to assist state and local officials in New York and Washington D.C., in the aftermath of apparent terrorist events in those two localities. FEMA is working closely with the White House to coordinate and manage the consequences of the events. The Department of Justice has immediate responsibility for crisis management. Highlights of the federal response:

* The President has granted a major disaster declaration for individual and public assistance, as requested by the governor of New York. The declaration includes Bronx, Kings, New York, Queens and Richmond counties.

* Gov. Gilmore has requested an emergency declaration for Arlington County. A declaration decision is pending.

* FEMA’s Washington-based Emergency Response Team (EST) is fully activated and on 24-hour operations.

* FEMA is establishing a mobilization center in Washington D.C., at Anacostia Naval Station.

* A FEMA liaison is staffing the FBI Strategic Information Operations Center, in Washington, D.C., to help coordinate information.

* All 10 FEMA regions – headquartered in Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Chicago, Denton, Tex., Kansas City, Kan., Denver, San Francisco and Bothell, Wash. – are fully activated.

* FEMA has activated the Federal Response Plan, which brings together 28 federal agencies and the American Red Cross to assist local and state governments in response to national emergencies and disasters.

* The Red Cross has opened 12 shelters in New York City – 10 for the public and one each for families of firefighters and police. An additional 15 shelters have been opened in New Jersey. In Arlington, Va., two shelters have been opened. Mental health workers are on site to aid and counsel rescue workers. Family support centers have been opened at Ft. Belvoir, Walter Reed and Bethesda Medical Centers.

* Families seeking information about missing family members are directed to call their local Red Cross offices for assistance.

* Advance elements of an Emergency Response Team are at a mobilization center in Edison, N.J. An interim disaster field office has been set up in Arlington, Va.

* FEMA has deployed eight Urban Search & Rescue teams (US&R) to New York City to search for victims in the affected buildings. US&R teams are specially trained teams that include engineers and other technical experts as well as specially trained search dogs. Another four teams have been deployed to the Pentagon, for search and rescue efforts there. Four other teams are standing by.

* The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is deploying a planning cell specializing in debris removal to New York City. Structural assessment teams are standing by in case needed. Additional debris planning cells will be deployed to Virginia once air restrictions are lifted.

* EPA Regions I and II are working to address potential air quality issues resulting from the release of asbestos within the World Trade Center and Pentagon.

* Four disaster medical teams and three disaster mortuary teams are being deployed to New York. Three disaster medical team and four disaster mortuary teams are stationed in Washington, D.C. to be deployed to the Pentagon, if necessary.

* People in the declared disaster counties in New York who are in need of temporary housing assistance, loans to replace personal property destroyed by the collapse of the World Trade Center, crisis counseling or other immediate disaster-related needs should call the FEMA toll-free number to register for assistance, 800-462-9029.

* FEMA’s immediate priorities are to render all possible federal help to affected states and communities; identify, extract and treat injured survivors in collapsed structures; deploy response support teams; establish on-site facilities to support response operations; and establish and provide support to victims and their families.

Airports to Remain Closed, Mineta Says

Secretary of Transportation Norman Y. Mineta has announced the Federal Aviation Administration will allow a limited reopening of the nation’s commercial airspace system in order to allow flights that were diverted yesterday to continue to their original destinations.

The Secretary also announced that the FAA is temporarily extending the ground stop order imposed yesterday while additional security measures are being completed.

“Safety is always of paramount importance, and in these extraordinary times we intend to be vigilant,” Mineta said. “We remain committed to resuming commercial flights as soon as possible.

“As the President said last night, these despicable terrorist attacks have shaken the foundation of our greatest buildings, but have not shaken the foundation of this great nation,” the Secretary said. “As America watches the efforts of our heroic emergency responders and rescue personnel, we keep the victims and their families in our prayers,” he also said.

Mineta said the FAA would permit flights today only in special limited circumstances. Flights diverted as a result of yesterday’s order will be allowed to continue to their original destination under vastly tightened security guidelines. Only passengers on the original flights will be allowed to re-board, and only after airports and airlines have implemented strict screening measures. Airlines will also be allowed to reposition empty aircraft, he said.

Mineta said a variety of stepped-up security measures will be instituted at the airports once they re-open. These measures include:

* A thorough search and security check of all airplanes and airports before passengers are allowed to enter and board aircraft.

* We will discontinue curbside check-in at the airport. We would ask that all passengers go to the ticket counters to check in.

* We will also discontinue off-airport check in. We can no longer allow passengers to check in for their flights at hotels or other venues. Passengers must check in at the airports.

* We must reserve boarding areas for passengers only. Only ticketed passengers will be allowed to proceed past airport screeners to catch their flights.

* Vehicles near airport terminals will be monitored more closely.

“I know all Americans want us to move as quickly and prudently as possible to return our transportation system to normal,” Mineta said, “and we will as soon as we can do so safely.”

Chiefs, First Deputy Fire Commissioner Among Confirmed Dead in NYC

New York – Chief Peter Ganci, Deputy Fire Commissioner William Feehan, and Chief of Rescue Ray Downey are among those firefighters confirmed dead after yesterday’s carnage in New York City, Newsday reports.

Peter Ganci was promoted to Chief of Department in 1999. He was 54 years old and leaves behind children who are firefighters.

First Deputy Commissioner of the Department Feehan was 72 years old and often was called on to conduct the department’s press conferences.

Chief of Rescue Ray Downey was well known in the industry and a popular officer among FDNY personnel. Ray Downey was a battalion chief, chief of rescue operations, and a 40-year veteran of the Fire Department of New York. The former captain of Rescue Company 2, he was the USAR task force leaders representative to FEMA for all 27 teams and was a member of FEMA’s Advisory Committee. Downey was also the author of the book The Rescue Company, the video Rescue Operational Planning: Factors for Success, and the video series Collapse Rescue for the Fire Service, published by Fire Engineering. He was a member of the FDIC educational committee, and a H.O.T. class instructor and presenter at FDIC shows. Downey directed the emergency efforts after the bombings in Oklahoma City, and at the World Trade Center in 1993, as well as after hurricanes in the Dominican Republic and elsewhere. He was at the scene yesterday when the towers collapsed. Evidently, he survived the first tower collapse, but was trapped when the second tower collapsed. His two sons were both on the job yesterday.

Earlier today, five firefighters and one police officer were recovered form the rubble.

Keep checking back for more updates throughout the day.

ABC News reports 41 civilians have been recovered and Mayor Guiliani has stated that 202 firefighters are missing.

Also confirmed dead is Rev. Mychal Judge, 68, chaplain of the New York City Fire Department.

Pentagon–200 Missing or Dead

ABC News now reports that Pentagon officials estimate that there are 200 missing or dead as a result of yesterday’s attack on the Pentagon.

Pentagon Fire Still Burns

ABC News reports that the Pentagon fire is still burning. The structural integrity of the building is a concern, and is hampering efforts to get inside the building to perform search and rescue. Keep checking back for more updates.

Fire Breaks out near WTC Complex

FDNY has been notified that a fire has broken out on the roof of a building near the scene of yesterday’s tragedy. The already stressed fire department has been dispatched to the scene and the fire is a high-rise fire. A police helicopter spotted the fire and reported that it was spreading rapidly. The building is in a primairly residential area.

Five Firefighters, One Officer Found Alive

ABC News reports at 7:45 AM that five firefighters and one officer have been found alive in void spaces within the rubble. More informatoin to come as today’s events unfold.

World Trade Center/Washington, D.C. Tragedies–What We Know

On September 11, four airliners were hijacked. Two of these jets were used to crash into the World Trade Center’s twin towers. Another was used to crash into the Pentagon. The fourth crashed in Pennsylvania, but it is thought that it was headed for Camp David or the White House.

The Twin Towers are now no more. After the planes collided with the towers and the subsequent fires, both towers collapsed, killing thousands. The exact death toll is not yet known, but there are reports of 200 firefighters missing and presumed dead. Building 7 of the World Trade Center complex has also collapsed, and it is feared that the structural integrity of Building 5 has been compromised. A Mariott Hotel was also on the verge of collapse.

The Pentagon was the target of the third plane. It hit the Pentagon and burst into flames. As of 10:00 PM EST on September 11, one part of the Pentagon was still burning, and part of it had collapsed.

The cleanup after this tragedy is expected to take days.

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September 11, 2001

Building #7 on Fire–Near Collapse

New York, NY�At approximately 4:12 PM, CNN reports that Building #7 in the World Trade Center Complex has caught fire and could possible collapse.

UPDATE: CNN now reports that Building #7 has collapsed. 6:41 PM, 9/11/01.

New York National Guard Activated; FEMA USAR Teams on the Way

New York Governor Pataki has announced that the New York National Guard has been activated and will be arriving in the city to relieve emergency responders. Also, Federal Emergency Management Agency Urban Search and Rescue teams have been requested.

Victim Count Feared High

It is anticipated that some 20,000 people were in the area of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center at the time of the attacks. It is not known how many were in the towers at the time they collapsed.

Mayor Guiliani expressed concern also for police officers and firefighters attempting rescues within the towers before the collapse.

Four commercial airliners–two American Airlines and two United Airlines–reportedly were hijacked. One of those planes, an American Airlines jet departing from Boston with 81 aboard, crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center. Another jet was said to have hit the Pentagon. Part of the Pentagon collapsed, and Pentagon employees reportedly are being treated at Washington, D.C.-area hospitals.

Facilities Shut Down; Borders on High Alert

As a precaution, government, business, and other facilities across the country have been shut down and evacuated.

–All federal buildings have been shut down.

–Los Angeles International Airport, the proposed destination for three of the hijacked airliners, has been evacuated.

–Disney World in Orlando, Florida, has been evacuated.

–NATO has asked that all nonessential employees leave its headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.

–Among New York City buildings closed are the New York Stock Exchange, the Empire State Building, and the United Nations Building.

Borders between Mexico and Canada have been sealed; guards are on high alert.

All international flights are being diverted to Canada.

F-16s were patrolling air space around New York City, on the alert for any planes. All air transportation in the country was shut down. Flying planes would be considered suspect.

Reportedly, there were several airplane crashes in other areas of the country. One was in Pennsylvania. Another was believed to be in Virginia.

New York City Summons Emergency Services Employees; Needs Blood Donors

New York City has put out a call for all its 911 dispatchers, police officers, and firefighters to report for duty. There is also a need for medical personnel. Blood supplies in the city are depleted. Donors are asked to go to their nearest hospital to give blood.

“We Were Looking over Our Shoulders …”

In circumstances described as “horrific,” witnesses to the devastation that occurred in New York City today gave riveting glimpses of the scene.

Joe Torres, ABC news reporter, and a camera man described how they ran for their lives from the World Trade Center. They were two blocks away from the site when the first tower collapsed. “We heard a rumble; it felt like an earthquake,” the men, still short of breath, said. They ran five or six blocks. “It was like out of movie,” Torres said. “We are looking over our shoulders. The smoke was following us. The top of the tower was disintegrating before our eyes …”

Others described the atmosphere as being filled with what looked like “volcanic ash,” a thick layer of dust. Civilians and rescuers were covered with grey dust; many of them were wearing some types of coverings/masks

NYC Under Full Terrorism Alert

New York City. Sept. 11, 2001. Two airplanes crashed into the World Trade Center. A small plane was seen flying into the North Tower. A larger plane, identified by some witnesses as a twin-engine jet, hit the south side of the South Tower. Dense black smoke and flames are pouring out of the gaping holes in each of the towers. The fire reportedly is spreading through the building between floors 70 and 80. The superstructure is described as �hanging.� The South Tower of the Trade Center building just collapsed.

The FBI is investigating reports of the highjacking of a plane before the second crash. President Bush has attributed the crashes to �an apparent terrorist attack.�

All three local airports, tunnels, and the Port Authority Building have been shut down. Air space over New York City has been officially frozen. The United Nations building, New York Stock Exchange, and other prominent buildings have been evacuated.

The story is still unfolding. The latest unconfirmed revelation identifies one of the planes as an American Airlines 767 that departed from Boston.

Fire Department of New York has put out a call for all off-duty members.

There is no word yet about casualties. Some occupants were seen running from the building. Some were screaming. There are reports of casualties trickling into area hospitals.

In other breaking news, it was reported that a large airliner hit the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. There is a fire and was an explosion. The building has been evacuated, as has the Treasury and State Department Buildings.

The White House has been evacuated amid reports of threats of terrorism there.

The FAA has closed all airports across the country. In Chicago, the Sears Tower is being evacuation as a precaution.

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Hand entrapped in rope gripper

Elevator Rescue: Rope Gripper Entrapment

Mike Dragonetti discusses operating safely while around a Rope Gripper and two methods of mitigating an entrapment situation.
Delta explosion

Two Workers Killed, Another Injured in Explosion at Atlanta Delta Air Lines Facility

Two workers were killed and another seriously injured in an explosion Tuesday at a Delta Air Lines maintenance facility near the Atlanta airport.