2008 Fire Engineering Authors Index

Adams, B. Apparatus Specifications: Avoiding the Pitfalls. Feb, p79
Andres, A. Blast Injuries. (Fire Service EMS) Jul, p28
Arnold, B. Training to Increase Base Knowledge. April, p.211
Avillo, A. Fireground Strategies: Metal Window Enclosures. Apr, p133

Bachman, E. Volunteer Hazmat Response. (Volunteers Corner) Sept, p16; Preplanning Gases at Industrial Sites. Nov, p.111.
Baldwin, T. & T. Hales. Firefighter Deaths from Prescription Medications: Two Case Studies. (Fire Service EMS) Dec, p24
Baze, T. Creating a Trench Rescue Response Team. Sept, p101
Bernocco, S, M. Gagliano, C. Phillips, & P. Jose. Is Your Department Complying with the NFPA 1404 Air Management Policy? Jan, p103; Air Management Drill. (Training Notebook) Sept, p26
Bonelli, J. Blind Shaft Elevator Rescue. (The Rescue Company) Sept, p.38
Boyd, C. & R. Cannon. How to Get the Most Out of Hiring and Promotional Exams. Dec, p77
Bray, J. A Ticking Time Bomb: Aortic Dissection. Nov, p103
Brown, P. Bunker Gear: Part of the Problem? May, p120
Brunacini, A. Situation Awareness. (Rules of Engagement) Feb, p140; Are We on the “Same Page”? (Rules of Engagement) Mar, p224; Quick, Quick, Quick, and Quicker. (Rules of Engagement) Apr, p264; Timeless Tactical Truths. (Rules of Engagement) May, p208; Old Mutt, New Tricks (Rules of Engagement) Jun, p148; Nostalgic Reflections of My Occupational Adventure. (Rules of Engagement) July, p.148; Nostalgic Reflections of My Occupational Adventure, Part 2. Aug, p148; In Spite Of/Because Of. (Rules of Engagement) Sept, p136; Going to School for 50 Years. (Rules of Engagement) Oct, p156; “I Know It When I See It” (Rules of Engagement) Nov, p140; More Cool School. Dec, p152.
Bryan, P. & P. Pane. Evaluating Fire Service Delivery. Apr, p207
Buckman, J. Evaluating Performance the Right Way! (Training Notebook) Aug, p22; Conflict Resolution. (Volunteers Corner) Dec, p14.
Bull, G. Cold Towels Valuable Rehab Tools. G. Apr, p193

Calfee, M. Leadership Do’s and Don’ts. Apr, p215
Candy, W. Leather vs. Rubber Boots in Decon Tests. (Technology Today) Dec, p91
Carpenter, B. & M. Posner. Drills: From Blank Page to Successful Exercise. Apr, p141
Carter, H. You Cannot Hide From Problems. Aug, p133
Castagna, J. Wildfire Maps Aid FEMA Mission. May, p123
Chapman, R. In-Line Gauge in Standpipe Operations, The. Oct, p119
Ciampo, M. Street Scenes. Jul, p24; The Punch Technique. (Training Notebook) Nov, p22
Coleman, S. Essence of Command, The. Jul, p99; Mission of Command, The. Aug, p77
Collins, L. ShakeOut San Andreas Earthquake Scenario, The: Preparing for a Catastrophe. Sept, p75
Collins, S. We Can Honor Fallen Firefighters by Strengthening the USFA. (Congressional Clipboard) Apr, p70
Comstock, D. Background Checks. (Volunteers Corner) Apr, p18
Corbett, G. Christian Regenhard Center for Emergency Response Studies: National Repository for Large-Scale Emergency Data and Analysis. (News in Brief) April, p.100; (The Professor) Apr, p222;
Crawford, B. Decision Making: Firefighter Tipping Points. Sept, p93
Crow, J. High-Rise Firefighting Perils: Veterans’ Perspectives. Oct, p97

Dallessandro, M. Harmony in the Firehouse. (Volunteers Corner) Jan, p12; Conference and Travel Spending. (Volunteers Corner) Feb, p14; Protecting Young Responders. (Volunteers Corner) Jun, p18; Chief’s Cars: Professional or Perk? (Volunteers Corner) Dec, p14
Dalrymple, D. Shiny Things, Blue Widgets, and Cool Gadgets. (Extrication Tactics) Feb, p30; Isolate the Power. (Extrication Tactics) Jun, p32
Daly, C. Hazards of Modified Fire Apparatus and Extended Passenger Vans, The. Feb, p63
Daskal, B. Riding Positions for Fire-Based EMS. (Fire Service EMS) Jan, p12; Ensure Scene Safety at Your Next EMS Call. Dec, p69.
Davis, J. Right Ventricular Infarction. (Fire Service EMS) Apr, p62
Dean, A. Every 15 Minutes. Feb, p85
DeCrane, S. Get Involved in the Code Development Process. Jan, p111
DeMarse, N. Commercial Building Fires: The Attack Line. (Fire Focus) Apr, p32
DeMauro, K. Self-Directed Learning. (Training Notebook) Feb, p20
Diamond, K. Improving Your Training Program. (Training Notebook) Jul, p20
DiBenedetto, R. Lessons from James Hook Pier Fire. (What We Learned) Dec, p89
Diehl, D. Improving Situational Awareness in a Fire Structure. (Training Notebook) Apr, p24; Training for Tragedy. (Fire Commentary)
Dittmar, M.J. Technology Roundup: Maximizing Safety, Efficiency, and Interoperability. May, p59
Donaldson, C. The Alien on Your Face. (Training Notebook) Dec, p20
Donnelly, T. Manhattan Crane Collapse: First-Due Rescue Company Operations. May, p77; Patient Packaging for Rope Rescue Operations. (The Rescue Company) Sept, p32; High-Angle Rescues, New York City. Sept, p85;
Dorko, C. Biotechnology Facilities Responses: Are You Prepared? Jan, p121
Dunne, T. In the Spotlight: Preparing for the Media. Mar, p151

Emrich, M. Preparing for the New Position. (One-Minute Motivator) Jul, p126

Fabal, C. When Seconds Count: Forcible Entry Objectives. Mar, p163
Finucane, M. Combating and Preventing Mulch Fires. Mar, p139
Fire, F. Tabun Nerve Agents. Feb, p125; Blood Agent: Cyanogen Chloride. Apr, p225; Blister Agents: Phosgene Oxime. (Chemical Warfare Agents For Firefighters) Jul, p122
Fratus, M. Achieving High Reliability in a Complex Work Enivronment. Mar, p173

Garcia, K. Education vs. Training in Fire Space control. (Fire Commentary) Sept, p125
Gesret, S. Hazardous Materials Incident Response in France. Jul, p95
Grant, S. and L. Stephens. Tips for Safety and Firefighter Rescue. (Tricks of the Trade) Apr, p50
Groves, A. Our Lady of the Angels School Fire: 50 Years Later. Dec, p59
Graner, R. Politics and the Survival of the Fire Service. Dec, p85
Gustin, B. Tips for Improving Effectiveness in Forcible Entry. Apr, p173; Tips for Improving Effectiveness in Forcible Entry, Part 2. Jun, p89; Tips for Improving Effectiveness in Forcible Entry, Part 3. Aug, p91;
Guzzi, A. Suburban Ladder Company Operations. (The Truck Company) Mar, p68

Hale, D. 3D Models Help in Truck Manufacturing. Apr, p232
Halton, B. Parachutes in Helicopters. (Editor’s Opinion) Jan, p10; Silver Bullets. (Editor’s Opinion); Feb, p.8; We Aren’t Killing Anyone. (Editor’s Opinion) Mar, p10; Undershorts and Sprinklers. (Editor’s Opinion) Apr, p.12; Learning vs. Accountability. (Editor’s Opinion) May, p12; Thank You. (Editor’s Opinion) Jun, p12; The King Has No Clothes…or Firefighters. (Editor’s Opinion) Jul, p8; NASCAR and Elephants. (Editor’s Opinion) Aug, p10; A Good Sign, the Maltese Cross. Sept, p10; With Deepest Respect. (Editor’s Opinion) Oct, p8; I’m from the Government and…. (Editor’s Opinion) Nov, p8; Justice for the 165 Victims. (Editor’s Opinion) Dec, p8.
Havel, G. Building Construction: Lightweight Steel Framing. Jan, p83.
Havner, J.M. Having a Safety Committee is Critical. (Speaking of Safety) Jun, p133
Hawthorne, T. and H. Davoodi. Protecting Animal Housing Facilities. (Fire Prevention Bureau) Jan, p204
Heflin, C. Motivating Your Volunteer Department. (Volunteers Corner) Mar, p16; “Near Miss” at Bread-and-Butter Fire. Jun, p123
Henry, S. Heavy Fire in Lightweight Construction. (Volunteers Corner) Aug, p16
Herbert, J. Structure Fire Overhaul: Respiratory Hazards and Personal Protective Equipment. Mar, p117
Holliday, S. EMS Customer Service. (Fire Service EMS) Oct, p30
Hollins, L. Hybrid School Buses: Response Considerations. Jan, p107
Horvath, C. Decision Making: “Take the Radio!” Moment. Sept, p99
Hubbard, B. Slip, Trip, and Fall Injuries on the Fireground: Are we Walking on the Problem? Jan, p119

Joerger, S. Firefighter Trapped in the Floor: The Rochester Drill. (Real-World RIT) Mar, p54
Johnson, B. & M. McEvoy. Multiple-Patient CO Incident Yields Lessons. May, p113
Jones, C. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Safety for Firefighters. Jun, p99

Kalmus, K. Troubleshooting Pump Operations. Feb, p95
Kanarian, S. BLS CPAP: Improving Breathing in the Prehospital Setting. Jun, p127
Kanterman, R. Leadership Excellence: Balancing Management with Leadership. Oct, p113
Kendrick, P. Counteracting the “Radioactive” Employee. Aug, p105
Kennedy, M. and A. Alexander. Fire Operations at Senior Living Facilties. Jan, p99
Keplinger, K. Partnering with Amusement Park Ride Operators. (Fire Prevention Bureau) Jul, p118
Kirsch, J. Operating at Public Storage Warehouses. Nov, p83
Kiurski, T. Fire Safety Education from the Ground Up. (Fire Prevention Bureau) Jan, p206; Hospital Fire Safety: RACE for the Extinguisher and PASS on It! (Fire Prevention Bureau) Jul, p120;
Knapp, J. Training Bulletin: Critical Officer’s Tool. (Volunteers Corner) May, p18
Knapp, J., P. Watson, and L. Frangella. Responding Safely to Railroad Emergenices: Locomotive Systems and Operation. Nov, p55
Kreitman, K. Proper Handling of Combustible Metal Fires. Feb, p115

Leihbacher, D. Managing Manhole Fires. Jan, p59.
Lopina, M. Second-Story Hidden Dangers: Decorative Building Facades and Additions. Jul, p103

Mahoney, P. 1918 Influenza Pandemic: Lessons for Homeland Security. Jul, p111
Marinucci, R. Hiring Problems. (The Chief Problem Solver) Mar, p38; Hiring Mistakes, Continued (The Chief Problem Solver) May, p34; Mediating the Best Solution. (The Chief Problem Solver) Aug, p26; Politics and Problems. (The Chief Problem Solver) Oct, p34;
Martin, C. Using Lightweight Portable Monitors for Quick Knockdowns. (The Engine Company) April, p.72
Martin, N. Positioning Aerial Apparatus When You’re Not First Due. Oct, p125
Martinez, B. The Fire Service and Counterterrorism: Technology. Jun, p109
Mason, J. Advancing a Charged Hoseline. (Training Notebook) Jun, p24
Mason, M. What Should We Be Seeing and Doing? (Real-World RIT) Jul, p34
McCormick, J. Fire Interruption Technology. May, p124; RIT Positions and Assignments. (Real-World RIT) Sept, p40;
MCCormack, R. Holding the Nozzle. (Training Notebook) Oct, p22
McEvoy, M. The Scene is Not Safe: Protecting Your Responders. (Fire Service EMS) Mar, p42; Elephant on the Fireground: Secrets of NFPA 1584-Compliant Rehab. Aug, p113
McNeil, J. Atlanta Tornado: Managing the Response. Jun, p73; Diversity in the Fire Service: A Problem or a Solution? Oct, p129
Messoline, M. Status Seizures: A BLS Approach. (Fire Service EMS) May, p32
Metcalf, C. When’s the Last Time You Held an Ax? Apr, p224
Michael, J. Firefighting in Clandestine Drug Labs. Jun, p119
Millerick, S. Forcible Entry Super-Sized Size-Up. (Training Notebook) Mar, p26
Mills, S. The Firehouse Meal. Apr, p203
Molino, L. Electronic Control Devices and EMS. (Fire Service EMS) Aug, p30
Montagna, F. Simulation Training: Decision-Making Aid. Apr, p111
Montagne, F. High-Rise Fire Eight Floors Down. May, p117
Morgan, K. Fire Strikes Las Vegas High-Rise. May, p89
Mulrooney, K. Pandemic Planning. (Fire Service EMS) Nov, p26
Murphy, J. Firefighter Fitness and Medical Evaluations: A Difficult Journey. Dec, p67

Neal, D. Shift Briefing: Key to Productivity. Jul, p81
Noll, G. NFPA 472: Developing a Competency-Based Hazmat/WMD Emergency Responder Training Program. Apr, p159

Owens, D. High-Rise Rope Rescues, Indianapolis, Indiana. Oct, p77
Owens, K. EMS Triage: Sorting Through the Maze. Mar, p155

Perry, S. Improving Cardiovascular Health and Fitness. Dec, p55
Piepenburg, C. Through-the-Floor Rescue Using a Hoseline. May, p105; Water, Ice Problems Hamper Operations at Colorado Apartment Fire. Jul, p77;
Pillsworth, T. Standardize Tools and Placement. (Volunteers Corner) Jul, p14
Piontek, A. What Makes a Good Company Officer? Two Views: The Firefighter’s Perspective. Jul, p91
Prusansky, C. VoIP and 911: Is Your Agency Prepared? May, p109
Prziborowski, S. Qualities of an Effective Engineer-Driver. Feb, p119; What Makes a Good Company Officer? Two Views: The Officer’s Perspective. Jul, p91

Radtke, L. Forming a Ground Search and Rescue Team. (Volunteers Corner) Oct, p12
Raynor, T. Multifamily Dwelling Fire Lessons. Apr, p218
Razwick, J. Fire-Rated Glazing. (Technology Today) Jun, p137
Reilly, K. & F. Ricci. Rethinking Emergency Air Management: The Reilly Emergency Breathing Technique. Apr, p185
Riffe, J. & L. Patin. Extinguishing Chimney Fires. Feb, p75
Rowley, R. Hold the Door. Mar, p135
Rudner, G. A Guide to Chemical Profiling. Nov, p117
Ryan, J. Hydro-Excavation for Trench Rescue. (Technology Today) Sept, p127

Sager, W. Gridlocked: Poor Circulation Hurts Emergency Response. Feb, p109
Schmidt, V. Large Animal Rescue: Is Your Department Ready? Sept, p117
Schmitz, R. Rollowver Extrication: Upside Down with Nowhere to Go. Oct, p121
Shelley, C. Storage Tank Fires: Is Your Department Prepared? Nov, p63
Sheridan, D. Fighting Fires in Concealed Spaces. Mar, p127; Overcoming Standpipe Problems. (The Engine Company) Oct, p26;
Shipley, J. SCBA That Works for Firefighters. (Technology Today) Nov, p127
Shouldis, W. High-Rise Help: Sharing the Lessons. Mar, p167
Shovald, B. Improving Preconnect Function and Operation. Oct, p83
Shupe, J. 25 Pointers for Your Engine Company. (The Engine Company) Oct, p67
Shupert, S. Preplanning for Machinery Entrapments. April, p.147
Simpson, J. Developing a Fire-Based EMS System: One Department’s Strategic Plan. (Fire Service EMS) Jun, p28
Sitz, T. Industrial Impalement Lessons Learned. Nov, p79
Spadafora, R. Halon Replacement: Water Mist Fire Extinguishing Systems. January, p.69
Smith, D. Trench Rescue. (Fire Focus) April, p.40
Smith, M. All Bleeding Stops Eventually (Fire Service EMS) February, p.24; Response to Patients with Diabetes. (Fire Service EMS) Sept, p46
Standridge, S. Fireground Recon: Defining an Old Term. Oct, p91
Stocker, A. Help Make Your Employees Successful. July, p.65
Stull, J & P. Kirk. Advances in Chemical Protective Ensemble Technology. May, p85
Stumbaugh, S. Improving Fireground Communications. Jul, p85
Stumpf, R. Passport to Train. (Training Notebook) Jan, p18
Swinhart, D. 360-Degree Performance Evaluations. Aug, p123

Terpak, M. Assessment Center Strategy and Tactics: Engine Company Operations. Jul, p107; Assessment Center Strategy and Tactics: Ladder Company Operations. Aug, p127
Tobin, D. Back to Basics: Uses for Irons. Mar, p145
Toomey, S. Structural Collapse Under Fire Conditions. (Training Notebook) May, p24
Traiforos, D. Warehouse Fire Challenges Responders. Dec, p51
Tustin, C. Cold Weather EMS Operations. Jan, p93

Urbano, P. Dedicated Company Assignments: Building Stronger Companies. (Roll Call) Mar, p46; Company Officer Time Management. Jul, p115
Dedicated Company Assignments: Some Q’s and A’s. (Roll Call) Apr, p58;

Vernon, A. Safe Responses to Civil Unrest Incidents. Mar, p180
Viscuso, J. Safe Operations Near Roof Cellular Base Stations. Mar, p101

Weaver, M. Tactics for Combative Patients. Sept, p111
Wessels, C. & S. Woodworth. Atlanta Tornado: Fulton Cotton Mill Lofts Search Operations. Jun, p79

Zender, D. Maintaining Firefighter Ensemble for Safety and Compliance. (Technology Today) Jul, p127

Hand entrapped in rope gripper

Elevator Rescue: Rope Gripper Entrapment

Mike Dragonetti discusses operating safely while around a Rope Gripper and two methods of mitigating an entrapment situation.
Delta explosion

Two Workers Killed, Another Injured in Explosion at Atlanta Delta Air Lines Facility

Two workers were killed and another seriously injured in an explosion Tuesday at a Delta Air Lines maintenance facility near the Atlanta airport.