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Anthony Kastros

Anthony Kastros

ANTHONY KASTROS, a 33-year veteran of the fire service, is a retired battalion chief with the Sacramento (CA) Metro Fire Department and the owner of Trainfirefighters.com. He is the author of Mastering the Fire Service Assessment Center , 2nd Edition; the video series Mastering Fireground Command-Calming the Chaos ! and the video Mastering Unified Command (Fire Engineering). He was the keynote speaker for FDIC 2013 and the 2019 George D. Post Instructor of the Year. He teaches command, tactics, leadership, promotion, and officer development to fire departments throughout America.
Anthony Kastros

Leadership and Succession Planning for the Next Generation

Date & Time

November 7, 2023 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm


1 Hour


Certificate of Attendance

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This highly interactive, fun, and humorous webcast focuses on the tools necessary for succession planning in today’s fire service. Leadership is a vast topic and talked about throughout the fire service, but building modern leaders in-house who are ready to fill the gap left by their predecessors remains an elusive accomplishment. Students will learn how to build leaders from the next generation for the next generation. Students will learn about the Millennials, Generation X, Generation Y, Baby Boomers, and the learning methods for each. In addition, students will be introduced to several tools that they can employ in their departments to develop future company and chief officers including task books, officer academies, professional development series, mentoring, simulations, role plays, and strategic planning teams. These tools really work and have been used to develop countless new officers who hit the street ready to lead.

Panel of Experts

Anthony Kastros

Anthony Kastros

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