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Jim Moss

Jim Moss

Jim Moss is a career fire officer, certified personal trainer, and published fitness author. He is a passionate advocate of firefighter fitness and wellness on the local and national levels. He trains, writes, and teaches firefighters how to optimize their physical performance, careers, and lives through Firefighter Functional Fitness.
Dan Kerrigan

Dan Kerrigan

Dan is a career chief officer, published fitness author and presenter on the local and national levels. A passionate firefighter health and wellness advocate, he works with the IAFC, NFFF, and NVFC in efforts to reduce health-related LODD’s. He is a Russian kettlebell instructor and uses Firefighter Functional Fitness to achieve optimal performance. Learn more at FirefighterFunctionalFitness.com
Fitness Webcast

Five Steps to Creating a Culture of Firefighter Fitness

Date & Time

January 19, 2024 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm


1 Hour


A certificate of attendance will be offered.

Register Now

Fitness is essential to the job of firefighting. But who is responsible for ensuring firefighters are fit for duty? In this webcast, Jim Moss and Dan Kerrigan of Functional Firefighter Fitness review five essential components to help you cultivate a culture of fitness in your fire department, including individual ownership, the value of fitness challenges, and more.

Jim Moss and Dan Kerrigan are the authors of Firefighter Functional Fitness: The Essential Guide to Optimal Firefighter Performance and Longevity. They speak internationally at fire departments and conferences, including FDIC International, as part of their mission to “create a healthier fire service, one firefighter at a time.”

Panel of Experts

Jim Moss

Jim Moss

Dan Kerrigan

Dan Kerrigan

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