Handicap Yourself!

By Michael G. Brown

Want to get better? Handicap yourself!

I had the opportunity to observe a man with no legs who was bowling the other day. Howard was in a wheelchair and was averaging about 240 points a round; I was in awe of his skill and tenacity. I wondered how this man with a physical challenge, a handicap as it were, was able to almost completely overcome his lack of legs and score almost professional level bowling success. Are there ways we can artificially handicap ourselves, so when we get “unhandicapped” we are much better at what we do?

Yes. For example, after you’ve mastered assembling your SCBA and performing all of the emergency functions, and you have your times reduced to an acceptable level (probably less than two minutes), consider handicapping your hands. Put your fire glove on your left hand and see what happens to your times. The times will certainly get longer. Take the glove off. Your times will almost certainly be better than your best bare hands times before.

Try the exercise blindfolded. Once you master assembling and performing your emergency functions on your SCBA blindfolded, take off the blindfold. Then watch your times pleasingly surge to better than your preblindfolded times.

Try connecting a nozzle and hose assembly with your buddy using just one hand each. Time yourselves, or compete side by side with another team to help boost your motivation.

Dare to be as good handicapped as Howard is. It may just be the edge you need when you are handicapped with fireground hazards. Use your imagination; handicap yourself, and you’re sure to get better!

Michael G. Brown, a 26-year veteran of the fire service, is a battalion chief with the Virginia Beach (VA) Fire Department. He was a charter member of Virginia’s Department of Fire Programs Heavy and Tactical Rescue Team and was assigned to develop and produce the training curricula for the rope rescue and confined space rescue programs. Brown was co-founder of the Tidewater Regional Technical Rescue Team, one of the first regionally organized specialized rescue teams in the country, which became FEMA Urban Search and Rescue Team Virginia Task Force 2. He is certified nationally as a FEMA rescue specialist instructor and holds the position of task force rescue team manager. Brown is a corporate partner of Spec. Rescue International, a technical rescue training and consulting company.

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