Drill of the Week: Soft Tissue and Penetrating Wounds

Objectives of this drill include practicing the techniques for bandaging injuries and reviewing the protocols for application of the pneumatic antishock garment. Basic first aid skills should be part of your repertoire. You never know when you might have to administer first aid to one of your own, a civilian on the street, or even loved ones.

You’ll need one hour to review local protocols and bandage materials to run the drill.

Running the Drill
Assign members to work in pairs. They will assess the airway, breathing, and circulation of a victim. Be sure they take a distal pulse of an injured limb. They will also demonstrate the ability to manage and treat the following:

  1. Arterial bleeding from the thigh;
  2. Arterial bleeding from the arm;
  3. A gunshot wound to the chest;
  4. A steel rod penetrating and extending from the chest;
  5. An evisceration of the abdomen; and
  6. A pencil protruding from the eye.
Be sure members assess the entrance and exit wound sites for penetrating injuries.

Since penetrating wounds present the potential for a large amount of blood loss, review the criteria for application of a pneumatic antishock garment. Be sure to review the signs and symptoms that would indicate the garment should not be applied. Should your department not have a pneumatic antishock garment, review the signs, symptoms, and treatment for a patient in shock.

At the drill’s conclusion, discuss what went right, what went wrong, and what should be done differently next time.

If you have a similar drill idea and wish to share it, please e-mail: chrism@pennwell.com.

To review training officer and safety officer considerations, visit http://fe.pennnet.com/Articles/Article_Display.cfm?Section=OnlineArticles&SubSection=HOME&PUBLICATION_ID=25&ARTICLE_ID=202453 to review training officer and safety officer considerations.

For more information on this drill, including a list of references and figures (if available), visit http://store.yahoo.com/pennwell/voltraindril.html to purchase Volunteer Training Drills–A Year of Weekly Drills.

Next week’s drill: Roof Operations

FireEngineering.com Drill of the Week Archive

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