From the NFAAA

Well, it HAs been awhile since we were in contact with the membership of the National Fire Academy Alumni Association (NFAAA) through Fire Engineering; however, it doesn’t mean there’s not a lot going on.

First, we’ve had a change in some of our leaders. Don Manno has moved from Kansas to Maryland, and John Buckman took over as president of the International Association of Fire Chiefs at Fire/Rescue International in August. Currently, Roger Melchior of Wisconsin (FEMA Region V director) and Mark Emery (FEMA Region X director) stepped up to work with me on association matters.

There have been many inquiries as to membership status and other issues. The following are answers to some of the most common questions asked.

Q. I filled out an application a long time ago and haven’t heard from anyone. Am I a member?
A. Yes! The moment you fill out an application, you are a member of the NFAAA, which links you to almost 14,000 other members. We have 2,500 applications to enter into the membership database. We have hired someone to get us caught up. It will take a few months. After the database is current, we will let you know how you can check to see if your name is there. Stand by, and please be patient.

Q. I haven’t seen a newsletter or a dues card since I joined. How come?
A. Being that we are a “dues free” organization, our funds are limited. Fire Engineering/Pennwell Publishing was very generous in our initial stages of growth; however. printing and mailing costs are high-end items, especially when you need to process 14,000 at a time! A dues card does not a member make. Belonging, being active, and knowing you’re connected with the other members are what make an organization.

Note: We have recruited two financial supporters. Maybe we can look at dues cards again, but priorities will prevail!

Q. Where do I get information or assistance, and how do I network?
A. The best place to go is to our Web site: NFAALUMNI.ORG. The board of directors (BOD) plans to have news and other items of interest posted on the Web site. The BOD listing is being updated, as is the list of state co-ordinators—all on the on the Web site. The BOD and state coordinators can link you up with the other 13,999 members. Just ask!

Q. Can you clarify what our mission is?
A. We have a unique mission. We constitute a private organization that is supporting a government institution. Our main mission is to ensure that the National Fire Academy, along with the United States Fire Administration, remains strong and provides the “excellence in education” it has been chartered to provide to the nation’s emergency services.

We have been working toward trying to get office space on the NFA campus. We have been in discussion with two organizations that currently are affiliated with the NFA/USFA/fire service, and we have peaked some interest. Once arrangements can be made, all association business will be handled by their personnel at that office (short of our hiring someone to enter memberships, answer phone calls, refer messages, answer e-mails, and the like). We’re pretty close; we’ll keep you posted.

We are also represented at the Fire Service Organizations Annual Meeting with Ken Burris, acting U.S. fire administrator. At this year’s meeting (August), Tom Aurnhammer (FEMA Region VI director) represented the NFA Alumni. The Blue Ribbon Panel’s 38 original recommendations and the progress achieved in addressing them were discussed; there was also an open forum. As a side note, the USFA has done a fabulous job in implementing many of the recommendations in this report and is well on the way to bringing the others to completion—all under the direction of Chief Burris and NFA Superintendent Denis Onieal.

Supt. Onieal met with some board members at Fire/Rescue International to discuss campus issues such as courses, curriculum, programs, and the campus site. This gives us a one-on-one with the superintendent and allows for direct feedback to him, his staff, and the USFA, all in the interest of the Fire Academy.

At the board meeting held at FDIC, we discussed what to do with the funding we’re getting, which is to be used for education. We formed a subcommittee to develop criteria for an NFA scholarship program for firefighters. (Currently, we are considering 20 scholarships of $100 each, two per FEMA region.) When this information is ready, it will be posted on the Web site; we will ask FEMA to post it as well.

We will also be represented at this year’s National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend, October 5-7. As we did for the past two years, we’ll be working with the Weekend incident commander on his command staff, doing whatever it takes to make the weekend a success, whether it’s moving tables and chairs, escorting families, or conducting campus tours. The NFAAA will be there providing this most important service as a tribute to our fallen brothers and sisters. Our thought is that we’re having a few thousand guests in our house for the weekend. We need to be there to help host.

In case you want to get in touch with your local FEMA regional director (please not about your membership!), do so through the following:

—Region I, Everett Pierce, 978-567-3219,;

—Region II, Ron Kanterman, 732-594-4700,;

—Region II, William Manning, 800-962-6484,;

—Region III, Ed Plaugher, 703-228-3355,;

—Region IV, Ken Farmer, 919-733-7051, ext. 447,;

—Region V, Roger Melchior, 920-448-2806,;

—Region V, Harry Burdick, 800-992-6368, ext. 2316,;

—Region VI, Tom Aurnhammer, 505-599-1432,;

—Region VII, Mike McNeill, 573-365-7373,;

—Region VIII, currently vacant (anyone interested?);

—Region IX, Al Mozingo, 619-447-2828,;

—Region X, Mark Emery, 425-869-2461,

That’s it for now, brothers and sisters. Stay well, stay safe, wear your gear, use your head, think safety, and work safely.

Fraternally yours,
Ron Kanterman
Executive Leadership Team

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