Burning of The City Hall Tower

Burning of The City Hall Tower

We have received a communication from two of the members of the Old Department asking the time of the fire at the City Hall, the destruction of the tower, and the name of the Boll Ringer. In answer to those gentlemen, who it seems have ventured a wager, we would inform them that it is now nearly twenty years since that eventful night. It was at midnight on Tuesday the 17th of August, 1858. Little George Bevens was on duty in the Tower. A large number of fire works had been displayed from tho roof that evening, and from the smoldering remnants of discharged rockets and roman candles tho roof took fire. Young Tilton and one Smith were visiting Bevens and they discovered the fire. In the telegraph office below sat the venerable telegraph operator Owens, detective Joe Koefe, the Hon. John C. Jacobs then a report r of tho N. Y. Morning Krjyrcss, and Chief Matsell. A member of Engine Co. No 42 discovered the blaze on the roof from Broadway, ran into tho telograph office to give tho alarm. Operator Owens hollowed Up tho speaking trumpet to Bevens, but could get no reply, but in a few seconds tho bell rolled in a disconnected alarm so confused that it was an impossibility for the Firemen to tell what district the fire was. Bevens, it seems upon finding that he could not extinguish the flames, ran up into tho cupola, and struck off five rounds, when tho flames and smoko enveloped him and he was forced to retreat down to where tho boll hung; hero he found an old piece of iron bar and struck sevoral rounds again, when the flames encircled him again and to escape, he had to slide down the outside on a bar brace to the roof. It was just ton minutes past twelve when Bevens sounded the first alarm.

An immense crowd filled tho Park, the burning of tho cupola affording a most brilliant sight. The Firemen prevented any damage being done inside tho Hall further than the wetting of old public documents stored in the upper lofts.

Hand entrapped in rope gripper

Elevator Rescue: Rope Gripper Entrapment

Mike Dragonetti discusses operating safely while around a Rope Gripper and two methods of mitigating an entrapment situation.
Delta explosion

Two Workers Killed, Another Injured in Explosion at Atlanta Delta Air Lines Facility

Two workers were killed and another seriously injured in an explosion Tuesday at a Delta Air Lines maintenance facility near the Atlanta airport.